
Just a short email to announce that my Patreon is officially up and running!
If you’re not sure what Patreon is, it’s a platform where content creators can run a subscription service and sell various digital products.
The idea is that someone pays a small monthly fee to subscribe to a creator’s Patreon. In return, the subscriber receives various exclusives such as previews of upcoming work, extra pieces of work only available on Patreon and so on.
Creators can set up tiers with more expensive tiers offering more perks and goodies than those before it.
Right now, since I’m just starting out, I’ve only set up one tier: Voodoo Doll.
Anyone who joins this tier gets weekly previews of upcoming e-books, a free e-book as well as access to my newsletter-exclusive short stories (The Barber’s Hair and Farewell, Snowball!).
If you’d like to follow me on Patreon, great! The first of my weekly previews is already up and the next few are ready and waiting to be uploaded in due course.
Head over to my Patreon page for more info.
Thanks for reading.