November 2023 Newsletter
Here's your newsletter for November – beware, it's a long one!
Future Promotions
I'm doing away with my Book of the Month promotion for two reasons. The first is that I'm soon going to run out of eligible e-books. The second is that I want to concentrate more on the writing side of things. Instead of telling you that such-and-such an e-book is free, I'd rather share some writing. I'll still be doing promotions but they'll be fewer. Don't worry though, because I'll let you know whenever I've got a big promotion coming up so you can grab hold of some of my e-books for free or for a reduced price.
Writing Previews
Starting with December's newsletter, I'll be sharing an excerpt of a future writing project. It could be a chapter from a novel, a short story, a collection of very short stories or something else.
Blog Post
My newest blog post is...
Why I Wrote Not So Spooky - This blog post gives you a brief summary of why I wrote Not So Spooky, a series of rants about the creepiest day of the year: Halloween.
New E-books!
That's right – I've got multiple new e-books. Well, just two, but it's still more than one. Both of these are horror-themed.
Terror in Brief: Volume IV
Yes, I've been at it again. Not that, I mean writing two-sentence horror stories! What can I say – it's an addiction of sorts. Anyway, Terror in Brief: Volume IV is now out! And no, that's not me on the cover.

Here are the all-important links: Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Kobo.
Terror in Brief: Volume IV is a collection of 200 two-sentence horror stories. They cover all sorts of terrifying subjects from demented creeps and crazed killers to horrific monsters and disturbing phenomena.
Flashes of Fright
Also newly released is Flashes of Fright. This is a collection of 13 horror stories, each of which is 1,000 words long. I came up with the idea to write horror stories with some sort of word limit at random. After writing a few, I found I really enjoyed the process and decided to keep on writing until I had a decent number of stories to release.

Here are the links to download Flashes of Fright: Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Kobo.
The horror stories in this e-book are quite varied. To give you an idea ...
One story is about a guy who wanders home after a night out but is terrified about a psychic's prediction.
Another focuses on a witch who wants to give a young boy most of her powers, but she's not one to be trusted.
There's also one about a clown who likes to collect a particular type of souvenir from his victims.
I've thoroughly enjoyed writing Flashes of Fright and I'm pleased to say there will be another instalment next year.
It's November, which is National Novel Writing Month (try saying that after a few!). For those who don't know, the aim of NaNoWriMo is to produce a novel of 50,000 words. I'm aiming to hit 50,000 words and have already written some today. But, I won't be writing a single story. Instead, I'm writing some short horror stories for my next big e-book, Bugly. It will be the third instalment in my Short Horror Stories following Dog Flight and Presents for Raymond.

What's Next?
Bugly will be the next sizeable e-book. It's probably going to be 40,000+ words and should be out before the end of the year if not early next year. Before publishing Bugly, I may publish one or two short e-books. I've recently started writing some – wait for it – one-sentence horror stories. Yes, I hang my head in shame. As if writing 800 two-sentence horror stories wasn't enough, I've now started writing even shorter ones. I'm also tempted to add to my Rants About Special Days series and criticise some more special days ... I'll let you know when I publish anything new.
Thanks for Reading!
In case you didn't realise, I like writing horror stories! You may well feel as if you've read a horror story once you've finished one of my lengthy newsletters!