New E-Book: Terror in Brief: Volume VI
Yes, I've done it again. I've written another 200 two-sentence horror stories and put them together in an e-book.
I'm delighted to announce that Terror in Brief: Volume VI is now available to download.

Here are just a few of the many two-sentence horror stories you'll find in Terror in Brief: Volume VI:
No children were harmed during the making of this TV show. To make their suffering more convincing, we did all the beating and psychological manipulation before we started filming.
My kitchen is so small you can’t swing a cat in it. I tried doing that, which is why there’s that red stain on the wall.
The atmosphere was electric, quite literally. The number of people struck dead by lightning bolts was staggering.
The weatherman said it was going to rain cats and dogs and that it was going to be heavy rain. Our daughter didn’t make it back inside in time.
There are some featuring dentists too, of course!
Here are the links if you wish to download Terror in Brief: Volume VI:
Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Kobo
Like the other Terror in Brief e-books, this sixth volume contains a mixed bag of two-sentence horror stories. Some are scary, some are disturbing and some are gruesome. When writing them, I drew inspiration from creepy situations, popular horror genre characters, nursery rhymes and even common phrases and idioms.

I'm not sure if there'll be a seventh instalment. Having said that, when I wrote the first one I never saw myself writing a second, let alone a sixth. I'm focusing on other projects right now, but I'm not ruling out a seventh Terror in Brief e-book.
Thanks for reading!