New E-Book and Blog Post
Hello reader,
I’ve got two announcements to make and given this blog post’s title, you already have an idea of what’s coming. So here’s what I have to announce …
New E-Book: Micro Scares: Volume II
I’m pleased to announce the release of my newest (and 23rd!) e-book: Micro Scares: Volume II. It contains 200 one-sentence horror stories, just like the original Micro Scares. You can read the two in either order.
Here are a few of the many single-sentence stories you’ll find in this e-book:
Tim quite literally threw his colleague Joanne under the bus.
The mermaid jumped out of the sea, landed on a fisherman’s boat and never made it underwater again.
As Janine slipped her foot into her shoe, the tarantula lying in wait inside it readied its attack.
When the Tooth Fairy learned that Erica had binned her tooth instead of putting it under her pillow, she got out her tools and started forcibly removing a tooth from the screaming and flailing girl’s mouth.
I thought encouraging her to diet would have made her meat less chewy.
Joanne the tightrope walker started her anxiety-inducing walk between the two buildings, only to realise the tightrope wasn’t tight enough.
If you’d like to download this collection of extremely short horror stories, here are those precious links:
Be sure to check out Micro Scares if you haven’t already done so.

Here are those dear, sweet links:
New Blog Post: What’s So Good About Two-Sentence Horror Stories?
As you probably already know, I’m slightly obsessed with two-sentence horror stories having written 1,200 of them (more are on the way!).
I decided to write a blog post about the positive aspects of these very short scary tales. In it, I talk about what makes these stories so good for the reader; for example, they encourage you to think and use your imagination to add to the story and make it more horrifying.
Check this blog post out on my website or at Medium.
What’s Next?
Soon I’ll be sending an email about Patreon, which I’m finally setting up, so stay tuned! My next e-book will be rather festive and merry - NOT. It will be full of rants about Christmas. Yes, Not So Festive will be getting a second volume in the next few weeks.
Thanks for Reading
Thank you very much for reading. If you enjoyed this little update, I’m sure you’ll sleep better tonight with the knowledge that I’ve been working hard on my e-books. Or not!