Free E-Book and Two New Blog Posts
Hello and welcome to another newsletter. In this one, I’ve got a few updates, two of which have been quite a few hours in the making.
Free E-book: Flashes of Fright

First, my e-book Flashes of Fright is currently free and will be so until 9th May. It contains thirteen horror stories, each of which is 1,000 words long.
If you’re keen to read some short horror stories, get your free copy of Flashes of Fright by clicking one of the links below.
Thanks for downloading. If you enjoy reading the horror stories, please leave a rating and review.
Two New Blog Posts
You probably know that I’m somewhat obsessed with two-sentence horror stories. I’ve written 1,200 of them and bundled them into six Terror in Brief e-books. (I’ve actually written a few more, so a seventh instalment is in the works!)
I’ve recently spent upwards of 10 hours working on two blog posts:
The first one explains how to read two-sentence horror stories and get the most from them. The second offers some hints and tips on writing these very short horror stories.
Both of these new blog posts are several thousand words long. I go into detail about reading/writing the stories and offer multiple examples. Also, I talk about these stories in general and waffle on about various other things.
If you’re interested in two-sentence horror stories, give these blog posts a read. You may gain a newfound appreciation for these extremely short scary tales.

Thanks for reading!