Free E-Book and a Cover Reveal
Hello and welcome to another newsletter. Don’t worry, this one’s short! I’ve only got two things to tell you about, so if you’re reading this, you should be done before you know it.
Free E-Book: Presents for Raymond
Presents for Raymond, a collection of six short horror stories themed to Christmas, is currently free to download. It will be free until the end of 7th September, so get your free copy of this horror e-book now. Here are the links:

Here are summaries of the six stories you’ll find in Presents for Raymond:
‘Better Be Good’. A mother with an unruly son wonders whether she should tell Santa he’s been a naughty boy.
‘Decorating the Tree’. A keen woman who’s very particular about her decorations notices something that shouldn’t be there.
‘Lights for Company’. A cheating wife has a lovely Christmas surprise, but things soon take a turn for the worse.
‘Meeting Santa Claus’. An alcoholic Santa struggles to stay in character on Christmas Eve.
‘Presents for Raymond’. A family puts out a present for the unborn Raymond every year, but one year strange things start happening.
‘Snowmen’. A loner with a passion for building snowmen wants to make one that will last forever.
My Next E-Book
I’ve finished writing my next e-book and will be editing it and putting the final touches to it over the next few weeks. So what is it? Flashes of Fright: Volume II. That’s right, I’ve written another collection of thirteen 1,000-word horror stories!
Here’s the cover:

If you haven’t read the original Flashes of Fright, you’ll find the links here:
I’m really happy with the stories I’ve written and am excited to share them with both of my readers. Like the original, this second instalment contains thirteen horror stories that are separate from one another and can be read in any order.
If you’d like to read some excerpts of Flashes of Fright: Volume II, I’ve uploaded three of them to my Patreon and locked them behind that good old paywall, mwuahah!
But, I’m not completely callous. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the stories:
‘Won’t Look Up’ - A disturbing, gruesome tale involving two sadists, a dead baby and a ladder.
‘Keep Them Clean’ - You certainly don’t want to upset the Tooth Fairy!
‘Terence’s Number’ - A psychopath obsessed with numbers wants to increase a particular number - but at what cost?
‘There It Is’ - Something peculiar happens when a planetary alignment takes place.
‘Brick or Beat’ - Oliver’s Halloween would have been much better if he’d just gone trick-or-treating.
Thanks for Reading!
Don’t forget to download your free copy of Presents for Raymond. If you want more horror stories, check out Dog Flight. I’ll send you an email once Flashes of Fright: Volume II is out. It’ll either be late September or early October.