A Small Request
Hello and welcome to another email. Don’t worry, this one’s short and sweet - like me!
Anyway, I’d very much appreciate it if you could follow me on BookBub. If you don’t know what BookBub is, it’s the biggest e-book promotion service. Because it’s so successful, the demand is huge, to the point where you can’t just buy a promotion; you have to apply for one.
I’ve applied lots of times but have never been successful. To boost my chances of clinching a BookBub promotion, which would hopefully work wonders for my sales, I’m trying to increase my BookBub followers.
This is where you come in. If you could follow me on BookBub, I’d be eternally grateful; well, until I die that is!
All you have to do is click the link below, then click the red Follow button.
If you haven’t yet got a BookBub account, setting one up takes no time at all. Once you have an account, you can follow your favourite authors and get deals on free and discounted e-books.
All follows are greatly appreciated! Don’t worry, I won’t ask for any more follows on whatever platforms I’m on. BookBub is the one that matters the most.