An ultimatum on my relationship with my Joe Biden loving half sister
I have removed my half sister's name and identifying information from this email to protect her privacy. (Her surname isn't Crawley.)
The email is otherwise unaltered. If you need to cut out people in your life for similar reasons, you may use my email for inspiration. Here it is.
ultimatum /ŭl″tə-mā′təm, -mä′-/
A final offer or demand made by one party to another, especially in diplomatic negotiations, expressing or implying the threat of serious consequences or the breakoff of relations if the terms are not accepted.
So I turned 40 in January. I have had a lot of time to think. I live alone in an apartment with a nice view of Lake Ontario. I work alone. Unlike in my childhood and early adulthood, I now have full control over my life. I live well despite how evil the world is becoming.
There are people I have to maintain relationships with professionally so I can keep my career and livelihood going. But for everyone else, I have zero time for anyone who isn’t a person who reflects my values.
My values:
Distrusting authority, and the understanding that power and evil are often synonymous.
Viewing the powerful and influential through a harshly critical lens, especially through corporate marketing, the mainstream media, and government propaganda.
Fighting for the marginalized, always. Always punching up, never punching down.
Fighting for the health, safety, and survival of the community, in the wake of the horrors of capitalism.
The understanding that cops are evil, all war is bad, capitalism is evil, and colonialism is evil.
Understanding that the Covid pandemic is currently ongoing, Covid is airborne, and anyone out in public without a properly protective respirator (not a surgical mask, not a cloth mask, not hanging off of your nose, no gaps) is quickening their own demise and the demise of humanity.
Understanding that the media and the government are lying to you when they say “Covid is over, Covid is no big deal, Covid is like the flu, the vaccines make you immune”, etc. The weak mitigation measures enacted back in 2020 cut into big corporate profits too much, and now you’re all being encouraged to do fuck all about the plague.
Understanding that British and American colonialism have a horrifying legacy and American colonialism right now is doing tremendous harm to humanity.
Understanding that we are in a climate disaster that has been created by British colonialism, American colonialism, and capitalism. Our planet’s climate has gone beyond the tipping point, and billions of humans and more billions of non-human species are at great risk of not surviving.
Being on the side of the people American imperialism is oppressing (for instance, the Palestinian people) and not the oppressors (your government and mine, “the west”).
I have made it abundantly clear in my email back in 2021 that your constant praise of Joe Biden in every fucking phone call is why I shut you out of my life completely. That point still stands. And yet, you have the nerve to email me this on my 40th birthday:
“It has been quite a while. I hope you are doing well. I do hope we can speak or video chat soon. I miss you and think of you often. I will leave this short. Please contact me.”
If there was no other context, this would just be a loving birthday message between two of a man’s daughters. But there is loads of context that make the content of your email inappropriate.
If you really truly wanted to mend our relationship, you would have said this:
“Dear Kim. I’m so sorry that I kept praising Joe Biden to you a few years ago. Now I see that he’s a fascist, he has let Covid kill and disable millions of people, and he is genociding Palestine. I am deeply sorry for praising a genocider. I have learned that you were correct about him being evil.”
But I fully expect you’re going to react with some bullshit like “but he’s still better than Trump!”
Fucking bullshit. Trump and Biden are equally evil, and they’re on the same side.
Because you watch MSNBC and CNN (just as bad as Fox News) uncritically and you don’t seek out any non-corporate media sources, you’re probably ignorant of the fact that:
Biden is building Trump’s wall on the Mexican border
Biden has kept those ICE concentration camps going. Your government funds concentration camps for poor immigrants just as much under Biden as it did under Trump. And those ICE concentration camps were also supported by Obama and Bush Junior.
Even more people have died and been disabled from Covid under Biden than have died and become disabled under Trump. Don’t fucking fool yourself-- the Covid pandemic is raging worse than ever before.
Biden is as much of a white supremacist as Trump is. Even NBC News says it: “Joe Biden didn't just compromise with segregationists. He fought for their cause in schools, experts say.”
There is plenty of videographic evidence of Joe Biden touching children in a sexually inappropriate way. He also has a history of raping women that’s comparable to Donald Trump.
Oh, and Biden has well earned the nickname Genocide Joe. All those Palestinian people being brutally murdered and genocided by the Israeli military are doing so with billions and billions of dollars Genocide Joe Biden is sending them and with weapons he’s sending them.
Would Trump do all those evil things too? Absolutely. But there is no “lesser evil.” There is just evil. Two evils, Evil Biden and Evil Trump.
Caitlin Johnstone:
“The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that if a Republican president were to back a genocide it would be an evil and unforgivable atrocity, whereas when a Democrat president backs a genocide it’s a minor foible that you’d better shut up about unless you want Trump to win.
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans want to keep destroying Gaza because they love killing Muslims, whereas Democrats want to keep destroying Gaza because something something it’s all Netanyahu’s fault anyway hey let’s go back to talking about Trump.
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans argue in support of wars, militarism, capitalism and oppression using right-wing language, whereas Democrats argue in support of wars, militarism, capitalism and oppression using left-wing language.
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans do evil things for evil reasons, whereas Democrats do evil things for noble humanitarian reasons.
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans facilitate all the interests of the US empire because America is strong and godly and should rule the world, whereas Democrats facilitate all the interests of the US empire because America is liberal and egalitarian and defends the rules-based international order...
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that when the imperial murder machine has an (R) on it we’re meant to frown, and when the imperial murder machine has a (D) on it we’re meant to smile.”
“You don’t get to apply the label ‘lesser evil’ to a president who is backing a literal genocide. That’s not a thing. Past a certain point you’re just plain evil.
If you were to make a list of the absolute worst things a powerful leader can do, genocide and carelessness with nuclear brinkmanship should be on the very top of that list. Biden has done both of these. You can’t legitimately call such a person a ‘lesser evil’.”
And you want to know something? Your gullibility to powerful people will literally kill and maim you and everyone you love. Why? Because Covid is running rampant, Covid is airborne, and now so is measles. That’s what you get when there’s no real public health. If you trust the CDC, you learned fuck all from the gay AIDS activists in the 1980s and 1990s who protested under the banner “CDC Kills.”
The CDC, under Biden’s close direction, is trying to convince you and everyone around you that Covid is over, the vaccines are enough, and you should all go around maskless now.
I don’t listen to any of that shit. Because I’m a critically thinking professional researcher, I:
Wear a respirator every single second I’m not inside my apartment. Even when I go down the hallway to toss my garbage down the chute, my respirator goes on my face before I open my front door.
Absolutely no one goes into my apartment without a negative Covid test and/or a quality respirator.
I understand the limitations of RAT Covid tests. They’re highly unreliable and often inaccurate. I spend hundreds of dollars per month on molecular NAAT Covid tests. My boyfriend Jason needs to have a negative test result on one before I let him into my apartment maskless. If I couldn’t afford NAAT tests and have to rely on much less expensive RAT tests, I know I need a few consecutive days of RAT tests per person and they should be swabbing their throats and gums in addition to deep nasal swabbing. The way most people do RAT tests is pathetic. No wonder they’re convinced they don’t have Covid (they do).
Unlike in 2020 and 2021, I now know that cloth masks and surgical masks are completely useless. I wear airtight N95 respirators. The airtight thing is very important, Covid is airborne and people get infected in surgical masks because there are large gaps with their faces. They need to be respirators and they need to seal. Both the American and Canadian governments tried to hide this knowledge from the public because acknowledging that Covid is airborne and not droplets would make the powers-that-be responsible for cleaning the air in buildings.
You can get infected with Covid in the air in an empty room. You can get infected with measles in the air in an empty room. Covid and measles are like smoke, they linger in the air of a room for hours after people leave.
I have never had Covid. Not even once. 99% of the population are delighted to get infected with Covid over and over again. It will kill you all. Even you. I stay safe in my apartment and avoid the public as much as possible. If I have to go out in public, my respirator is on. No exceptions.
And now not only is Covid ripping through the population, but also measles too! Measles is back, baby! That’s because all of “y’alls” immune systems are fucked up from the damage caused by Covid. Measles vaccines received decades ago aren’t going to protect you much. I’m very fortunate that I got vaccinated for measles again in 2019. But the measles isn’t even going to get anywhere close to my body. Because I’m protecting myself from all airborne diseases.
Oh, Aaron Bushnell is who really prompted me to write this email to you.
Aaron Bushnell is a goddamn fucking hero.
He was a 25 year old in the US Air Force. When he learned the truth about what the Biden/Trump regime and the US were doing in Palestine, he was horrified. Because voting is a scam and it’s literally impossible to vote against the murder of millions of innocent Palestinians (except maybe arguably those “uncommitted” votes), he took a desperate measure to wake “y’all” the fuck up. He dosed himself in gasoline while in uniform and set himself on fire in front of the Israeli consulate in Washington DC, to his death.
Your mainstream media propagandists (MSNBC, CNN, Stephen Colbert, which other liars do you listen to?) have been telling you: “We don’t know why Aaron Bushnell did this!” “Ummm... he was mentally ill!” “He was an extreme anarchist, and he also grew up in a religious compound. See? We got both Democrat and Republican supporters to hate him!”
All those are lies to hide the truth. Aaron Bushnell filmed himself and broadcast it to the world over the internet. He said: “I am an active-duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal. Free Palestine!”
And his final social media post is also a revelation. He wrote: “Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”
So here are some more words that will sting you. Dad was a British soldier for a few decades. ***** was in the Royal Canadian Air Force for decades. Granddad was also British Army, as was most of the men in the Crawley family tree.
They never denounced Britain or Canada. They were always 100% in support of what the UK and Canada have been doing militarily. Were they wrong? Were they evil?
I must now conclude... Yes.
And if Dad rose from the dead, that’s what I’d say to his ghostly face right now. And if Dad hated me forever... so be it.
It took me decades of working on myself and becoming my own person with my own life and my own views. I have a “found family” now. Blood relations are overrated. Although neither of us are Christian, we have often heard people say “blood is thicker than water,” to somehow justify considering genetic ties to be more important that people who share your values.
Actually, the proverb is this:
“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”
So the “water of the womb” can go fuck itself. That goes for Frances, and that goes for you too if you continue to praise Joe Biden.
I once offered you help to get out of Florida. Climate change is destroying the world. Florida is a worse place to be trying to survive climate change than Toronto is because much of Florida will be underwater in the next several years (including much of the Tampa area), your hurricanes will get even worse, and your heat will be unbearable even in January. Can you afford to run your air conditioning on full blast all year long, and not just between April and October? Well, you’re going to be underwater anyway. Whereas Toronto has some protection from the ocean. Our climate is getting permanently hotter here, but we still won’t be as hot as Florida!
Oh, and your measles and Covid ripping through the population.
I could have helped you and **** come over here. You could be following my advice to protect yourselves from pandemics and climate change.
But instead you’ll just listen to MSNBC and CNN without any skepticism.
Lacking critical thinking skills and trusting authority will lead to your demise.
If your reply to this email is anything other than “I’m so sorry Kim, and I was wrong about Joe Biden,” I am blocking your email and phone and everything else forever, just like I did with F*** many years ago.
- Kim
Kim Crawley,,,,