Crestfallen Update - Katalossa: July 2023 Event Teaser
Crestfallen Staff has just published the following essay (read it online here):
Second Week of the Scatter
It is the second week of the 1488th Cycle. Boulderton, a small community near the edge of the Crescent Wood has become a gathering place for adventure and creation.
The Goblin channeler of stone has been defeated and his minions have run off. A troll that was terrorizing the forest and causing mayhem has also been killed. Despite this positive momentum, the clearing of the local area and building up of Boulderton has been slow moving.
Rumors speak of the return of Undead abominations. These creatures bear red skulls, innate harming magics, and deadly weapon capabilities.
With the local cave structures seemingly clear of elemental ice activity, it seems that the heat has grown dramatically. Word of increased forest fires and droughts have emerged.
There are many troubles ahead, but we need your help! Come fight back the evils that roam the land, heal those that battle, build items to grow the town or use any number of other skill to build the community. Whether you fight in the wilds or stay back in the gathering hall, all are welcome to attend.