Crestfallen Update - Katalossa: August 2023 Event Teaser
Crestfallen Staff has just published the following essay (read it online here):
Third Week of the Scatter
It is the third week of the 1488th Cycle. Boulderton, a small community near the edge of the Crescent Wood has become a gathering place for adventure and creation.
Due to the heroic actions of the local adventurers, the Gnolls and Goblins have been pushed from the local area, though a few scattered remnants remain hidden among the caves and woodlands.
The current greater threat is the Undead who have returned to Katalossa. Few are safe from their influence. These creatures bear red skulls, innate harming magics, and deadly weapon capabilities. In addition, an undead bearing a white skull has also been seen. This creature appears much more powerful and intelligent, though little is known of its full capabilities.
With resources growing slim, the crafting guild and lineages have been unable to create new items to help the local populace. The guild itself is requesting the aid of the local adventurers and scouts that new supplies can be crafted.
The Human kingdom of Briarwood has been at the forefront of the clearing of the wilds. Many of the other lineage groups have been requesting aid from the humans and their contingents.
Do you have the strength to push on into the wilds and help the Inspired grow? Do you have the tenacity to search for resources or craft the goods necessary to push on? If so, come to the frontier and help build something bigger than us all!