Crestfallen Update - Blog: Crestfallen LARP Props Guide
Crestfallen Staff has just published the following essay (read it online here):
Crestfallen LARP Props Guide
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch:
Props are used in Crestfallen LARP to represent effects that cannot exist in the real world and to represent weapons to allow us to simulate combat in a safer way. Props can be bought, modified, and built in many different ways. This guide is written to give players a starting point on the props that we use.
All weapon props must be checked for safety prior to gameplay. Using this guide does not guarantee that props will be deemed safe for use in game. We recognize that this can be discouraging, but crafting props is often a skill that requires practice and guidance. As such, our staff will make ourselves available before events and outside of events upon request to answer questions, make suggestions, and to check items. We also intend to have some props available to be borrowed in case a personal prop is deemed unsafe.
Below are a list of different types of props, guidelines for construction, suggestions for purchase, and if they can be supplied by Crestfallen LARP. All links are examples of items and not a price comparison or guarantee of quality.
Ammo, Blaster
Blaster ammo is used to represent ranged attacks in a safe way. Blasters may use spherical ammunition in the form of 7/8" (22.2mm )“rival compatible”, “long” foam darts, or “mega” foam darts. Blaster ammo is supplied for NPCs but may be supplied to PCs upon special request/reasoning.
- We suggest bright colors to make retrieval easier.
- Dart blasters may not use suction cup, whistler, or any similar dart with hard plastic cap that may cause injury
- Dart blasters may not use “short” or cut sized foam darts
- Long dart and mega dart ammo may be of official or “off brand” type
- We suggest off brand “waffle head” long darts for best pricing.
- Due to cheap “rival compatible” ammo causing damage to spring powered blasters, we ask that only Nerf/Adventure Force/Zuru brand ammo is used.
- We highly suggest the Adventure Force 150 Round Refill pack for best pricing on rival ammo (as of 4/12/23)
Little Valentine Mega Dart Refill Pack (60 Darts) for N-Strike Mega Series ( Nerf N-Strike Mega Series Dart, 10-Pack : Hasbro: Toys & Games
Nerf Rival 30 Accu-Round Refill, Includes 30 Nerf Rival Accu-Rounds -
X-Shot FaZe Clan Blaster 50X Refill Pack by ZURU (50 Red Rounds) for Ages 14+ -
Ammo, Spell
Spell ammo is used to represent ranged attacks in a safe way. Spells may use spherical ammunition in the form of 7/8" (22.2mm) “rival compatible” or 1.68" (42mm) foam golf balls. Spell ammo is supplied for NPCs but may be supplied to PCs upon special request/reasoning.
- We suggest bright colors to make retrieval easier.
- Due to cheap “rival compatible” ammo causing damage to spring powered blasters, we ask that only Nerf/Adventure Force/Zuru brand ammo is used.
- Golf size ammo may be customized (lightly painted/colored)
- We highly suggest the Adventure Force 150 Round Refill pack for best pricing (as of 4/12/23).
Nerf Rival 30 Accu-Round Refill, Includes 30 Nerf Rival Accu-Rounds -
X-Shot FaZe Clan Blaster 50X Refill Pack by ZURU (50 Red Rounds) for Ages 14+ -
Armor is a protective covering used to protect vital areas in combat. Crestfallen LARP armor may be made of authentic materials such as gambesons (padded cloth), leather, chainmail, and metal plates as well as costume armor made from cloth, plastics, and foam crafted to have the appearance of authentic materials. We have the following suggestions regarding all armors. Armor is supplied to NPCs only. PCs must supply their own armor and should have it rated by staff prior to the start of an event (virtually or in person).
- Plate armor is not suggested but is not banned - Players may not feel some weapon blows and plate armor can cause additional damage to weapon reps that strike the surfaces. Additionally due to this armor weight it is more likely to cause heat stroke.
- No armor should have sharp edges that may damage other props or cause harm to participants
- Armor should not appear as modern materials, but may be modified to be useable.
Medieval Armour & LARP Armor (
Medieval weapon for sale | Medieval period armoury store
Armbands are used to clearly notate non-combatants (Orange), plot/marshals (Green), and EMTs (Blue). This is important to make sure that these attendees are easily accessible for safety and subtle game interactions. Crestfallen LARP will supply these armbands as possible, but highly suggests that if a player intends on attending and will be part of one of these groups to supply their own.
Crestfallen LARP uses these Orange, Green, and Blue Armbands
Blasters are used to replicate ranged combat as safely as possible. Blasters are currently limited at an average of 100fps over three tests of a chronograph. All blasters must be chronographed, safety tagged, and approved for use prior to game. Please keep in mind the following. Blasters will be supplied to NPCs as needed. PCs may borrow blasters upon special request/reasoning. If a player supplied blaster fails safety check, we will do our best to supply a blaster for PC use.
- Blasters that replicate Bow/Crossbows but fire dart/ball ammo are not considered firearms. These are treated as a Bow or Crossbow but may not be used to block melee weapons.
- ALL blasters MUST have clearly ORANGE barrel to ensure that it meets all rules and regulations for toys.
- Blasters should be painted neutral colors to fit the genre of the game including browns, blacks, greys, and silvers. For player safety, blasters may have additional areas painted orange at the players discretion.
- All blasters must be spring operated (aka, no electronic blasters unless approved by staff for special use).
- Blasters that are mechanically complicated and approved by staff may ignore the 3 second aim rule for blasters. These blasters will have MC written on their safety tag. Current approved MC blasters are
- B3 Imagination Studio - Flintlock Musket
- B3 Imagination Studio - Flintlock Pistol
- B3 Imagination Studio - Blunderbuss (special crafted item)
- Nerf Rival Pilot
LARP Pistols and Muskets (
Blasters & Accessories, Online Games, Videos - Nerf (
Clothing/Costuming is an important part of keeping in character. Clothing/Costuming is supplied by the player. Standard costuming will be provided for NPCs playing particular characters/lineages. All clothing/costuming should keep in mind the following things.
- Have enough clothing/costuming available in case of inclement weather
- Base clothing/costuming choices on the season and predicted weather.
- Do not wear modern colored shoes. Brown, Black, and Green boots are allowed. Genre boots and shoes are preferred but not required due to cost. Make sure that treads are useful for outdoor use.
- Bring a waterproof container for item tags (destroyed/lost tags will not be reprinted)
- You don’t need to buy expensive costuming! Thrift items from Goodwill and other thrift stores is a much more cost effective strategy when starting out. Western/farmer wear is generally cheap and easy to find. Need suggestions? Email us or join a Discord Hangout for help!
Additional suggestions for PC clothing/costuming
- Characters may base their clothing/costuming on the fantasy, medieval, and/or western genres.
- Clothing should not include any historical references to the real world such as tabards with crosses, military uniforms, or religious symbols.
- Bring some type of in genre water container or a bag to hide modern snack/water containers.
Additional suggests for NPC clothing/costuming
- Bring black, brown or grey clothing for base layers to costuming.
- If you know you are playing a particular lineage or character, bring additional costuming flair (get bonus CP!)
- ALWAYS bring a belt and belt pouch for giving out leaves, resources, and other treasures.
Medieval Clothing by Burgschneider
Medieval Clothing (
Medieval clothing for sale | Medieval period clothing store
Energy are jumbo sized craft sticks that are used to track how much spell energy a character has at a particular time. When characters cast spells, they must snap the wooden sticks in the casting of the spell. These props will have markings on one or both sides of the stick. Crestfallen LARP supplies the Energy props, but players may bring their own. Energy props brought by a player must be activated by staff by attaching the appropriate markings to one or both sides of the prop. 6" Jumbo Craft Sticks - Pack of 1,000ct : Arts, Crafts & Sewing
Any and all glasses are allowable at Crestfallen LARP. While we would love for people to have in period style glasses, we would never ask people to make such an expensive purchase for our game. We highly suggest bringing and extra or old pair in case of emergency such as damage or loss of your primary pair. It is highly suggested that players who can wear contacts, do so.
Light Source
Light sources are important for player safety and ambiance. We hightly suggest lanterns that look in genre such as modified oil lamps and flickering travel lamps. These types of lights should not include real glass in their construction if possible. Modern lanterns can be modified to appear more in genre. Ultimately, player safety is the primary concern.
Potion props are clear plastic vials with stoppers (either attached or separate) that can hold 5 to 10 ml of liquid at at time. These props may have colored liquid added to them or be painted to look more authentic. Crestfallen LARP will supply limited quantities of 10ml centrifuge vials as potion props, but it is suggested that players provide their own., Custom/Handmade
There are many ways to produce a shield for use at Crestfallen LARP. We currently accept shields made of plywood, corrugated plastic, or foam cores. All of these shields should have hard edges covered with foam. Even foam core shields should have a thin layer of open cell foam around the edge for safety.
Buckler Shields should have a maximum diameter of 20"
Shields should be a maximum of 36" tall at its longest dimension and 24" at its widest dimension.
We highly suggest looking for tutorial videos or groups until we have produced our own videos regarding these props.
All shields must be checked, safety tagged, and approved for use prior to game. Shields will be supplied to NPCs as needed. PCs may borrow shields upon special request/reasoning. If a player supplied shield fails safety check, we will do our best to supply one for PC use.
Plywood Shield Production video - How to Make a LARP Shield | Part 1 of 2 - YouTube
Corrugated Plastic/Plastidip Shield - Making an Ultra Light Plastidip Shield: The Core - YouTube
Shield, Mass Produced
There are a number of companies that mass produce shields in Latex or Hybrid foam varieties.
Buckler Shields should have a maximum diameter of 20"
Shields should be a maximum of 36" tall at its longest dimension and 24" at its widest dimension.
Just because a company uses the term Buckler or Shield, does not mean that it will conform to our rules regarding sizing. Our current rules are based upon a review of multiple products produced by Epic Armory.
All shields must be checked, safety tagged, and approved for use prior to game. Shields will be supplied to NPCs as needed. PCs may borrow shields upon special request/reasoning. If a player supplied shield fails safety check, we will do our best to supply one for PC use.
LARP Shields and Shield Covers - Medieval Collectibles
Wands are similar to Energy props as they are jumbo size craft sticks, but are colored rather than bare wood. These props are used to replicate single use magical items that hold spell energy within them. Any character may use a wand and the prop acts as its own item tag. The wand prop must include a spell incantation of at least 5 words (one of which may be the condition that the spell causes.) To use the prop, the spell incantation must be read/said aloud, the prop must be snapped, and then the spell energy must be thrown or touched to its target. Crestfallen LARP currently supplies the Wand props, but players may bring their own when planning to craft wands through the game rules.
Weapon, Custom/Homemade
There are many ways to produce a weapon for use at Crestfallen LARP. We currently accept weapons made of CPVC, PVC, or Fiberglass cores. Weapons with metal or ratan cores are not accepted. All of these weapons should have their striking edges covered with foam and core points capped with plastic and/or foam. The only portion of a weapon that is not covered in foam is its handle. Below is a list of the breakdown of different weapons and their parts. Additional pieces such as axe blades and hammer heads should be made of open cell foam and constructed in such a way as to easily appear as the weapon it is trying to represent. Melee Weapons may have a crossguard attached as part of the weapons Grip Length. This crossguard may have a maximum length of 18 inches.
Cored Melee Weapon Type | Pommel Length | Grip Length (Includes Crossguard) | Striking Length | Min/Max Size |
Claw/Brawler | 2" | 1"- 14" | 18" - 24" | 27" - 34" |
One Handed Weapon | 2" | 1" - 14" | 18" - 36" | 27" - 46" |
Two Handed Weapon | 2" | 1" - 14" | 38" - 44" | 48" - 72" |
Cored Ranged Weapon Type | Grip Length | Min/Max Size |
Bow | 5" - 14" | 34" - 44" |
Crossbow | 1" - 8" | 12" - 24" |
Non-Cored Ranged Weapon | Min/Max Length | Min Dimension |
Thrown Weapon | 6" - 18" | 2" |
Here are a few tips to make your custom built weapons more likely to pass.
- Core ends should be capped and covered with 2" open cell foam tip that can compress 1" when pressure is applied. This is to prevent cores from tearing through foam and minimize the chance of injury from a thrusting attack.
- All weapons should be flexible but should not act like a whip. A weapon should not bend more than 6 inches when weight is applied to the tip while being held level.
- Crossguards should not contain a core.
- Make sure to tape the foam loosely to allow the foam to flex.
- NEVER tape foam sections in a spiral pattern. This adds a sizeable amount of weight and doesn’t allow the foam to flex.
- Tape foam sections lengthwise to maximize coverage and minimize weight.
- To secure foam at key points such as the tip or where the blade meets the crossguard/grip, you may use crosshatched tape sections or width wise taping.
We highly suggest looking for tutorial videos or groups until we have produced our own videos regarding these props.
Please note that live fire bows, crossbows, arrows, bolts, and wand reps are not legal combat weapons in Crestfallen LARP.
Blasters that replicate Bow/Crossbows but fire dart/ball ammo are not considered firearms. These are treated as a Bow or Crossbow. These may not be used to block melee weapon attacks.
All weapons must be checked, safety tagged, and approved for use prior to game. Weapons will be supplied to NPCs as needed. PCs may borrow weapons upon special request/reasoning. If a player supplied weapon fails safety check, we will do our best to supply one for PC use.
Weapon, Mass Produced
There are many ways to produce a weapon for use at Crestfallen LARP. We currently accept weapons made of CPVC, PVC, or Fiberglass cores. Weapons with metal or ratan cores are not accepted. All of these weapons should have their striking edges covered with foam and core points capped with plastic and/or foam. The only portion of a weapon that is not covered in foam is its handle. Below is a list of the breakdown of different weapons and their parts. Additional pieces such as axe blades and hammer heads should be made of open cell foam and constructed in such a way as to easily appear as the weapon it is trying to represent. Melee Weapons may have a crossguard attached as part of the weapons Grip Length. This crossguard may have a maximum length of 18 inches.
Cored Melee Weapon Type | Min/Max Size |
Claw/Brawler | 27" - 34" |
One Handed Weapon | 27" - 46" |
Two Handed Weapon | 48" - 72" |
Non-Cored Ranged Weapon | Min/Max Length | Min Dimension |
Thrown Weapon | 6" - 18" | 2" |
Please note that live fire bows, crossbows, arrows, bolts, and wand reps are not legal combat weapons in Crestfallen LARP.
Blasters that replicate Bow/Crossbows but fire dart/ball ammo are not considered firearms. These are treated as a Bow or Crossbow. These may not be used to block melee weapon attacks.
All weapons must be checked, safety tagged, and approved for use prior to game. Weapons will be supplied to NPCs as needed. PCs may borrow weapons upon special request/reasoning. If a player supplied weapon fails safety check, we will do our best to supply one for PC use.