Crestfallen September 2023 Update 9/19/23
Hello Everyone, Here is our September Update!
Rules updates have been very small. We have added Entangled to the list of conditions that can be removed by Medical Training, Augmentation. This was an oversight on my part. Additionally we will be adding a target condition to have some spells and conditions only be usable on limited things.
Zarn, the Dwarven lineage overview will be listed on the In Game Katalossa section. This goes into the area, the government, some groups, and resources.
Meet the Staff: Beren Olean is about me and is found in the Berens LARP Posts in the Blog section. For those of you that don't know who I am, what I have done, and why I do what I do, this should be a good way to get to know me.
Play to Win is an article about the main three Pay to Win models that LARP games are currently using it, why we avoid them, and how we run our game with a different viewpoint and goals. We don't blame anyone from using these systems, but we have gotten a lot of questions about them and felt the need to clarify. The article is found in Berens LARP Posts in the Blog section
I hope that I have formatted this email correctly and that you like the new content that should hit your inbox or the website soon!
Beren and Crestfallen LARP