Almost one year of Crestfallen
Hi Everyone,
This will be a big post, but we need to get you up to date. We are going to try to do a monthly email through this Newsletter to keep everyone informed (Hopefully the third Tuesday of the month). If this is too much, let us know!
Today we have uploaded a new article by Chaz, Busted Build: Hexbow, information on the Human Kingdom of Briarwood, and added the teaser to the schedule page. Scott and I have also did some edits to the Gathering/Harvesting section which reviews the new Stockpile mechanic. We also made some minor rules edits and changed some names of things. You will get updates for every website update we do on the Blog and Katalossa sections
Last day to preregister, turn in articles for the All-Of Branch, and turn in research, crafting, & spell research is end of day Friday 9/1! I would like 1 more npc if possible. for more details.
Last but not least, we are coming up on our one year anniversary of playtesting Crestfallen. This came to mind....
Its almost been a year since playtesting began on Crestfallen LARP. I had struggled for so long following the end of my time at the "national game". I was bitter for giving up but oh so glad to have broken the toxic cycle.
I tried a few other games with mixed reviews. I changed perspective, grew less bitter, and found what I wanted in a game. I worked on Crestfallen since the week I left the national game. It has changed so much over the years since then. I don't feel its a clone game, but an amalgamation of some of the best ideas I have seen. Its not fully original, but few things are.
A year ago I finished the rules. I had to either go public or quit. I hoped there were those who would either believe in me or my vision. I am lucky that we have a good mixture of both and we are growing. As we have progressed there has been doubt, but the core ideas have held up and made believers from doubters. We have made changes and grown.
I went from not wanting a website and focusing on Facebook to seeing the reason in a home for our content. Went from unlimited skill swings to flurry rules. Realistic armor to foam and paint.
Each change made the game stronger and made me more confident that we have something special. WE have something. It's no longer and never been about a me thing. I have built this for us and we will all make it grow. This game is for taking care of each other, community, story, and fun. Playing to lift isn't just about roleplay, its so much more.
So where do we go from here? September and October one days still need run and the rules need one more edit pass before we let people spend money on them. We are building more web content to make new players feel more welcome and give everyone free resources to play the game. We are scheduling our symposium so everyone will have a say in rules updates and growth. Two or so tavern nights during the winter to keep things rolling will hopefully be added. Weekend events next year along with youtube and advertising.
We are not slowing down and are looking to grow. We are happy with how things have come along, but we aren't winning by default anymore. We want you to join us because our investment is in stories and each other, not bought items and character sheets.
Thanks for reading and we hope to see you soon.
Crestfallen LARP