This Is Not Democracy
I refuse. I will not believe. I cannot believe.
I do not believe democracy, a concept I build my politics around, is a silver bullet. Democratic methods do not ensure good outcomes, the democracy machine does not overshadow its inputs, and people are flawed. But I cannot believe this is an output of a system I, and in my opinion any person who is worth trusting, values so highly. If we make it through this coming time, something demanded of us more than destined, we must reshape what we call democracy into something that cannot produce this outcome again. We cannot build a system with such poor outputs in good times and such horrible outcomes ever lurking beneath the veil of an uncaring and unjust society. A society that relegates so much of its population to second or third class citizenship, or fails to provide citizenship at all. A society that places power and resources not in the hands of those even it decrees as deserving or needing, but those who reject the means of morality and justice to instead drain the blood of life from ever increasing masses only for its own sake. Horrible things may be justified to reach higher goals, but we as we exist now do horrible things without justification, without meaning, without morals.
We have seen the rise of an aristocratic means of politics in the past several decades, a political reality that has followed us from the beginning of our nation and our "democracy" since the beginning and whose spirit has by the means of capital and intentional limiting of representation taken hold totally once again, perhaps even more than it has in the past. From three-fifths and enslavement, to land ownership, to gender, to grandfather clauses, to requirements of citizenship, to so many sins that I may not list them all here, our nation has never given voice to those who deserve, for they live within it same as others, to shape it and in doing so, we have defined our nation as against them. We live in a dirtied legacy, and we must clean it to a shine or die trying, we must build a state against our nation as we know it. This nation, most nations, have never served those they claim to serve, and have only harmed more than told those whom they claimed to harm. We cannot continue this defining of ourselves as above others in a racial manner, and nations can only define those as a race, whether European, French, or American, we must move not only beyond but move differently than this concept that has shaped us so poorly for the times past and the times coming.
When faced with the choice between democracy and nation, I choose democracy, and implore others to do the same. It will not save us, but nation brought us here, and it will not serve us any further and must be cast overboard to save the vessel.