Secrets of the Majestic: 2 Weeks Left!
Good evening folks,
I hope you'll forgive this break from my usual schedule of one newsletter per month - Kickstarter campaign time means I must regretfully break my code of honour and darken your inbox an additional time this November.
As the title suggests: we've got about 2 weeks left on the Kickstarter campaign for Secrets of the Majestic. We're doing pretty well (59% funded, with about £2013 left to raise at time of writing), but we're also in the "lull" period that most Kickstarters hit, where progress stagnates during the middle of the campaign. So, I wanted to throw the link at you again and try to sell it a bit!

Campaign link:
Let's start with the creators - we've got some real A-listers (Kieron Gillen, Tula Lotay, Liana Kangas and Chris Wildgoose who I'm absolutely thrilled to be doing a story with) and a host of the best writers and artists working in the indie scene right now. In the spirit of Thought Bubble itself, the book is about the mainstream and the indie coming together for a glorious celebration - it's just that we're celebrating the toilets rather than comics themselves!
Speaking of the toilets... I'd started to worry a little that maybe nobody else is as obsessed with them as I am. This weekend just gone thankfully disabused me of that notion - so many of my friends and fellow contributors were completely on board with toilet-based shenanigans that we actually got chased out of them by security (for the egregious crime of checks notes having fun and taking photos on the bench??) I appreciate that the idea of having a party in some toilets might be an odd one, but if you look at the social media feeds of creators who were at the Thought Bubble party, I think it starts to become a little clearer why we all love them (none more so than the legendary Jock, whose face lit up when I gave him a flyer for the campaign..!)

Anyway, I'll stop there and return you to your regularly scheduled programming with an update at the very end of the month. Please do check out the campaign and throw a pledge in if it takes your fancy - if nothing else, you'll get a book of fun/spooky/silly toilet stories that you can put in your own loo to delight your friends and family, and who could ask for more than that?
Secrets of the Majestic, on Kickstarter now!
All the best,
Chris "Toilet King" Mole