November 2023: The Neverending Pile
Howdy, folks!
It has once again been a hectic month and I'm rather feeling the strain of it - turns out that running a Kickstarter remains a stressful experience, and rather more so when a) it's an anthology, so there are a lot more people you want to succeed for and b) you're doing it in a climate where social media is utterly broken and there are at least two major conflicts currently going on in the world, so spending all your time shouting about toilets feels a little bit ridiculous..!
Add to that a general feeling of impending burnout on the band front (this year, with two bands, I've recorded an album and an EP, with another EP on deck next week; played several big festivals and done a UK tour) and I feel a little stretched... like butter scraped over too much bread.
Thought Bubble was also a weird one this year - I was forced to do a truncated appearance due to a family wedding on the Sunday, and it meant that I never really got into the swing of things. It was a fairly quiet day sales-wise, but I'm happy to attribute that to me not really having anything new on the table, and only a half-table at that as much as it's down to the con being much more insanely busy than I remember it being the last few years. Still, my tablemates were a delight and it was lovely to catch up with friends, albeit for less time than I would normally do. Next year I should have both the anthology (more on that below) and Brigantia Vol. 2 to launch, so hopefully it'll be a big one!

Thankfully, my last creative endeavour of the year (an emotionally charged gig with Ba'al at the Heel Turn "For Absent Friends" all-dayer) is scheduled for the 16th of December, and after that I can take a bit of a break until 2024 rolls in. The current plan is to eat cheese, watch a lot of movies and do basically (pardon my French) fuck all. But before that, let's crack in:
The Usual
November was toilet book month, with Secrets of the Majestic rolling along on Kickstarter. The campaign closes today, and I'm very glad that we've made it over the finishing line, with (at time of writing) 327 backers - a record high number for me! It's been extremely gratifying as ever seeing people pull for this book - obviously the creative teams are all fully on board with the Majesticus Cultus, and their enthusiasm has buoyed me throughout a sometimes difficult campaign, but seeing other people who aren't directly involved with the book wave the banner for it has been really touching.
Anyway, now that the funding hurdle has been passed, we get to do the fun bit - making a bunch of stupid toilet comics! I'm very excited to get stuck into that (and to see what kind of magic Chris Wildgoose can produce from our script). I'll be sharing more as development progresses, of course!
The Record
8 pages written - SENGOKU
I've made some more progress on SENGOKU, the samurai story I'm putting together with Andrew Browne. Everything is in place for the last act of the story, I just need to dive in and get the first draft nailed down. It's a much more contemplative, character-driven story overall than you might think given my love of samurai action and katana duels, but the last act is where we get to cut loose and have some ridiculous Takashi Miike-esque fight scenes. I'd also like to get it finished and written before the new FX adaptation of Shogun (one of my favourite novels) comes out in February so I don't end up accidentally cribbing from that...
The Tunes
This month's playlist is fairly short and sweet! We kick things off with a cut off the new Gunship album, featuring Power Glove - not to be confused with the videogame metal band Powerglove, but a great collaboration nonetheless. Next up is some synthwave gorgeousness from Ocoeur, which I picked off the excellently named "POV: ur in an 80s film driving at night" playlist on Spotify. We then take a turn into some upbeat thrashy metal, with new Gama Bomb up first (I haven't listened to a lot of their stuff, but I appreciate throwback thrash now and then) followed by Singaporean grind monsters Wormrot (who are apparently playing Sheffield next year with Napalm Death, Pig Destroyer and Primitive Man, a bill designed with surgical precision to reduce the entire city to nothing more than smoldering ashes). Next up we take a trip into atmospheric black metal country with Blaze of Sorrow and their viola-heavy blastbeats, followed by a new track from the king of BM Ihsahn where he's leaning very heavily on the orchestral elements (and I dig it). Michiru Aoyama is a mini-swing back to lighter territory with a laidback, wintry ambient piece, followed by Canadian royalty The Tragically Hip. I learned at Thought Bubble that my Canadian pal Jordan Collver, a phenomenal artist, is actually from Bobcaygeon and I was truly blown away by the news - it's a small world! Lights is next with a big blast of synth pop and soaring vocals, before the playlist closes out with the immense and undeniable riffs of Pijn. Pijn's guitarist (Joe Clayton) is also an incredibly talented producer, and Ba'al worked with him this summer to record a huge chunk of music, so it was a must for some of us to head down and catch up with him when his band played Sheffield earlier this month - as you might expect given his ear for great tones, they sounded incredible, and this track got the whole crowd moving.

No links this month - I've spent the whole of November spamming people with the Kickstarter (and checking it incessantly) so I'm going to take at least a week off postin' after today. Thanks for reading, and for backing the campaign if you did - and have a great weekend!
All the best,