June 2024: Blink and You'll Miss It
Howdy, folks!
As the title suggests - this June feels like it flew by, plunging on a downward trajectory into a very shitty abyss. I'll try not to be too maudlin or woe-is-me, but I've spent a big chunk of this month being very depressed and that combined with various other things has really impacted both my productivity and my joie de vivre. Let's get into it!
The Usual
After my high spirits about a new puppy in last month's newsletter, that idea quickly crashed to earth when the Dogs Trust told us that they considered our house/neighbourhood too busy for the dog we were particularly interested in, which was honestly pretty crushing for both of us given the emotional investment we'd already made into her. I can't blame them for wanting the best for each dog, but I do think they were being a bit overly cautious. Anyway, after a few weeks of being thoroughly miserable about it we dusted ourselves off and have now adopted a different dog from a different kennels - Max the Rottweiler, who is a big gangly soppy ball of affection and has already begun following me all over the house like a canine shadow. He is a Very Good Boy and I would kill and/or die for him.
On the work front, this month saw a formal rejection from Mad Cave for the NO SPACE LIKE HOME pitch I put together with Tango and JP Jordan at the start of the year. In all honesty I'd been expecting the rejection due to the very long delay in their response, but it's still gutting to see it in black and white - especially considering how much time and emotional energy I've put into that story. I'm terrible at judging my own work (because I tend to think everything I've written is shit, to a greater or lesser degree, and no amount of positive affirmation has ever managed to shift that belief) but I firmly believe that issue #1 of NO SPACE LIKE HOME is up there as one of the best things I've ever written and having the whole story thrown back is a huge knockout punch to my self-belief. I don't want the story to just sit on the shelf never getting made, but it also seems crystal clear to me that I'll never be good/desirable enough to get anything picked up by a publisher from the very-small pool of publishers that aren't predatory/awful. Which means self-publishing, as brutally expensive and draining and stressful as it is, is my only recourse. And frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn any more.
For the time being I'm slapping a great big '???' over that project (and anything else I had in the pitching stages) in favour of just getting my few in-flight projects (the toilet book, Brigantia Vol. 2) cleared off the table. After that, at the end of this year, we'll see - but it definitely feels like the depression is winning and I've reached the end of the road on the comics front.
In lighter news, the digital/backer PDF of Secrets of the Majestic is 95% finished, and should be 100% very soon - if I can tear myself away from trying to settle in the aforementioned Very Good (but also Very Anxious) puppy. All the design pages are done and the layout is locked in, so it's just a case of compiling the whole thing and then getting it out to our very patient and kind Kickstarter backers. I'm very happy with it overall - I know every anthology editor raves about the stories in their book but I genuinely think there's a great spread of fantastic tales in here, and it'll have a nice professional sheen to it. Because when I set out to make a stupid book full of toilet puns, I do it properly 😤
The Record
• 8 pages lettered for The Phoenix
• 7 pages lettered for Secrets of the Majestic
Just lettering this month, although I have also written various bits and pieces for Secrets of the Majestic as part of the book design work - mostly gently trolling Rich from Comic Printing UK in the acknowledgements, tbf. It's hard to try and write any outlines or pages when you're convinced that everything you write is shit...
The Tunes
As per my mental state this month, the playlist is very full of "comfort food" tracks. Starting things off, it's one of the greatest rock songs ever written from Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou's favourite movie (seriously, ask him about School of Rock, he's watched it about as many times as I've watched Pacific Rim (approaching triple figures at this point!)) followed by another of the greatest rock songs ever written courtesy of Prince. After that we take a hard turn into power metal territory with Twilight Force who are cheesy fun, and then summer-time black metal with new Alcest. I've never really rated Alcest, and I still don't get all the hype, but this track does have a nice sunshine feel and lovely, soaring clean vocals. Modern Technology are an Adlai recommendation who are very very good - a 2-piece with just bass, drums, a filthy sludgy tone and lots of shouting. Inherits the Void (atmospheric/melodic black metal) and Ulcerate (melodic death metal) take us into the extreme section of the playlist, before Janelle Monae takes us back out of it - I scored some free tickets to go and see her in Manchester at the start of July (on the same night as the general election, to be precise), so it'll be delightful to come out of a Janelle Monae gig and find out just how brutally the Tories have lost. The Deku Trio produce smooth jazz versions of Zelda songs which is just delightful and relaxing, and to close things out we have some medieval lo-fi hip hop courtesy of Thaehan - I discovered that there's apparently a medieval-themed LoFi Girl channel (https://www.youtube.com/live/_uMuuHk_KkQ?si=HPG_dZIf39uE0JpI) and honestly I've never seen anything quite so tailored for me in my entire life? Except maybe that Japanese Samurai Gourmet show on Netflix. Anyway, this is my hole, it was made for me, etc etc.
The Links
Just the one link this time - my good friend Asa Wheatley is currently in the Kickstarter mines running a campaign for book four of his Sagas of the Shield Maiden series. We’re into the final hours of the campaign, and they have a solid chunk of ground to make up. I contributed some positive blurb about the series, and have backed every book because they're beautifully put together and Asa (and all the artists he's worked with) have poured their hearts and souls into it. If you haven't backed it already, please go here and chuck in some coins so we can get this thing over the finish line:
In my (probably not that controversial) opinion, the Kickstarter comics space should be for books like this - the sort of thing you wouldn't see in the direct market, with a strong creative vision behind it. Every time I see an established publisher with a dedicated PR/marketing department raising millions of pounds on KS I die a little inside, because it feels like they're sucking all the oxygen and attention away from the smaller projects which still look professional and on par with anything a publisher might put out, but are being managed by one/a few people. Anyway, rant over..!
And that's that on that, as the saying goes. Have a good rest of your weekend, keep your eyes peeled for a digital PDF in the next few weeks if you're a Secrets of the Majestic backer and try to stay hydrated. I should really take my own advice...
All the best,