January 2024: Plots and Plans
Howdy, folks!
We've made it through the longest month and 2024 is well and truly underway - I'm particularly looking forward to a holiday in a couple of weeks (sunshine, beaches and lots of rum are in my immediate future) so I've been trying to get my ducks in a row before that! Let's get to it...
The Usual
The earlier part of the month brought about a sudden flurry of movement on one project - Mad Cave Studios have opened up their creator portal for submissions, so Tango and I decided to take the plunge and send them our pitch for NO SPACE LIKE HOME (previously working-titled "Space Cowboys"). We have some pitch pages, with colours by JP Jordan and letters by Rob Jones (who both did an incredible job getting these together at short notice) and I'm quite happy with the pitch itself - it's always hard to try and explain any story (particularly a very emotional one for you) to an unseen audience, but I think we made a strong case for why they should pick it up. Now I just have to cross my fingers and hope..!

On top of that, Rebecca turned in the final coloured pages for Brigantia #6, which means we can get those over to Hass for lettering. That'll be in a few months, which gives me time to get the design work done on the book - the pages are looking absolutely beautiful already, and I'm very excited to share them with everyone. I've been reaching out to various folks for pin-ups/prints to go with the inevitable Kickstarter campaign, and I think I have a very strong line-up in place - I figured it was worth pushing the boat out given how much time, effort (and money 😬) I've poured into this story.
And on top of that, in a bizarre twist which hopefully bodes well for the rest of this year, I can now add "featured in the Harrogate Advertiser" to my CV: https://www.harrogateadvertiser.co.uk/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/harrogates-greatest-loo-inspires-new-book-by-famous-comic-book-writers-and-artists-4486034
I found out about the story thanks to a message on the Kickstarter campaign, and it was a wild couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon - a bit of digging later and I discovered that the hotel's marketing team found out about the book and asked their PR firm to write a press release, leading to this coverage. I'm mostly extremely glad that they're not going to sue me for doing a comic about their toilet..! 😂
The Record
Given all the above, it shouldn't be much of a surprise that I've had a very unproductive month with actually getting pages down. But in my defence - I've got more than a few irons in the fire and I'd like to get some of them fully forged before I dive into writing anything else!
The Tunes
We're kicking things off this month with some of that old-timey music - Bobby Darin with Beyond the Sea, which got inexplicably stuck in my head for nearly a week. Not complaining, mind! From there it's into dungeon synth kinda territory - Arcanist make music that sounds like the soundtrack to a fucked up fantasy game but with some black metal touches. I can't really describe it, but I think you'll enjoy it! After that it's The Night Watch with some proggy instrumental metal, before we take a hard left turn into mainstream territory - Tribute was one of the songs I played on this month at an event called Sparstock, where some of my best friends organise a whole evening of scratch cover bands to play all sorts of tunes, with nobody knowing the whole setlist except them. It's always a delightful time, and it was fun shredding this on an acoustic and doing Jack Black high kicks across the stage! Oasis are up next because shut up, I like Oasis, okay? This song in particular is my favourite of theirs, despite having Liam Gallagher on lead vocals. Even a broken clock can sing twice a day..! I saw a great little documentary on YouTube with Keanu "The Internet's Boyfriend" Reeves talking about his bass playing, which led me to actually check out his band Dogstar - and you know what? It's good stuff - clearly not just a vanity project for him. Following that it's another Keanu-adjacent track - I've been sucked into Cyberpunk 2077 and this track, PonPon Shit, remains the catchiest song on the soundtrack by far. Lastly we get a l'il trio of extreme metal to close things out - Japanese folk metal from Ryujin which is actually heavy, featuring Trivium's Matthew Heafy on vocals; followed by Strapping Young Lad with another song I played at Sparstock (and a lot of fun it was too) and finishing with some crushingly heavy doom from Lee Dorian and With the Dead.
The Links
Here's an article about why the modern Internet is fucking shit: https://gizmodo.com/interview-with-geocities-founder-on-the-new-web-tiktok-1849179509
We had it SO GOOD, you guys. I had a Geocities page (it was a little shrine to manga that I liked, and I would painstakingly scan some of my favourite pages from manga I was reading and then write about them and why I liked them. It was wholesome as fuck) and I genuinely miss that whole vibe every time I think about how bad social media is these days.
I've actually got the beginnings of an idea for a mystery/horror story with Geocities pages as the delivery mechanism, so at some point I need to sit down and work that out (and how possible it is to approximate the style, with Geocities itself long gone to the big LAN party in the sky), but in the meantime - enjoy the nostalgia!
That's all from me for this month - Barbados beckons, and hopefully when I get back I'll feel like I've actually caught up on all the relaxing I failed to do over Christmas/New Year. Here's hoping..!
Take care of yourselves,