April 2024: Summer Is Icumen In
Howdy, folks!
It looks like we're (finally) turning the corner into some warmer weather here in the UK, which is sure to have a real impact on my mood - I'm very tired of being freezing cold all the time (because I'm too Yorkshire to put the heating on), so the mercury rising will hopefully lighten me up a little..!
The Usual
Coco Con in Lancaster at the start of the month was lovely, with a bunch of good people hanging out in a nice venue and with great footfall to boot. I did much better than I was expecting sales-wise, and had some great conversations with people while there (both exhibitors and punters). I'm looking forward to the next event the Coco team put on already!
The main focus of my time at the moment, however, is a (relatively) big piece of news - the Brigantia Vol. 2 campaign is being assembled, and we have a pre-launch link! Go here to sign up - I’m aiming for a mid-June launch, and will get all the layout/design work done on the book around then so it's ready to send off to print as soon as the campaign wraps. Cast your eyes downwards for a reveal of the front cover, by the prodigiously-talented duo of Alaire Racicot and Rebecca Nalty (who have also illustrated all the pages in the book):

I'll be banging the drum as loudly as I can for this one - it's the concluding part of Brigantia's story, and I think it contains some of my best and most emotionally affecting work yet. Plus the artwork is absolutely gorgeous and I'm excited to share it with people! I'll share a few more sneak peeks in the coming months, so watch out for those.
Most of the stories for Secrets of the Majestic are now complete, with a few that'll be done in the next week or two - all the creative teams have been fantastic about meeting the deadline and/or keeping me informed about their progress, so it's been remarkably straightforward keeping this on track. I have some layout work (and lettering) to do for the anthology as well, so I sense that I'm going to be spending a lot of my evenings and weekends over the coming months glued to the computer..!

The Record
• 6 pages lettered (Secrets of the Majestic)
• Various bits of design for the Brigantia Vol. 2 Kickstarter and book layout and the Secrets of the Majestic layout
Once again, no pages written this month, but I've come to terms with that - I'm going to stop beating myself up about it because I have more than enough on my plate as it is. There's no value in forcing myself to write for the sake of it - if the desire to do so comes back then great, but I won't chase it.
The Tunes
I was obviously going to put a Final Fantasy 7 track on here - but annoyingly the Lifestream theme which has been embedded in my head isn't on streaming yet, so this is a worthy second choice! New John Carpenter is always something to celebrate, and the master of synth doesn't disappoint with this track. I realised the other day that I hadn't listened to Blood Ceremony in ages - this is off their latest album, a lovely little slice of witchy psych-rock with flutes. The John 5 album this next track comes from is one of very few guitarist solo albums that I like because he actually wrote a bunch of songs, not just incessant shredding - and all the songs are serial killer themed, for the true crime heads out there. I was getting frustrated with difficult videogames this month so I decided to replay Ocarina of Time, which is why we have Dragonforce with an intensely nerdy song full of Zelda references up next - delightfully cheesy. Sonja came out with one of my surprise favourite albums of 2023, so I'm excited to hear more music from them - this continues the claustrophobic, kind-of sexy heavy metal vibes of their debut. Beginning the black metal section of the playlist, Vorga make huge, atmospheric BM with fantastic production values and a cosmic theme - all things I love! They're followed by some classic Watain with a song that I go back to on the regular (when I feel like I need a bit of that there Satanism), and then a new Zeal & Ardor track which goes in a very different direction. Lastly, I'm putting my own band Ba'al's new single on here because I can - Ornamental Doll is off our new EP ('Soft Eyes') which comes out on May 3rd. I'm extremely proud of the three tracks on the EP, and we've had some great reviews for it already - if you're interested, we're having a listening party over on the Ripcord Records Bandcamp page this evening where you can hear the EP in full and chat to us about it. And you can pre-order the album or grab it on Friday (Bandcamp Friday!) - either digitally from the Ba'al Bandcamp, or as a lovely physical CD from Ripcord Records.
The Links
First, a couple of promotional shout-outs for friends - Asa Wheatley is running the next Sagas of the Shield Maiden campaign next month, and you’re not going to want to miss this one - every book is a polished selection of fighting viking tales, and a joy to look at. Go here to sign up for the pre-launch!
Nick Bryan is also gearing up for a stint in the Kickstarter mines with The Collected Letters of Courier Z - I had a sneaky advance look at this and it’s a lot of fun, a collection of whacky sci-fi shorts about a very frazzled planet-hopping space postie. Hit the sign-up link here!
Next up, something a bit more intellectual - this was a very interesting long-read article about the history of Arab Jews and their solidarity with Palestine: https://www.vox.com/world-politics/24122304/israel-hamas-war-gaza-palestine-arab-jews-mizrahi-solidarity
I know embarrassingly little about the history of the middle east (because I've never studied it academically, and never felt the inclination to go and learn about it outside of those studies) so I learned a fair few things from this article that resonate quite loudly, considering what's happening in the region today.
Thanks for reading - please sign up to the Brigantia Kickstarter, check out the new Ba'al release and have a great month. Summer is icumen in!
All the best,