Word Stew
December 2024: All Change
December 31, 2024
Hey folks, As is tradition around here, this month's newsletter will be a bit of a 2024 round-up - a look back at the year that's just been and a look...
November 2024: Mad World
November 30, 2024
Hey folks,It's been an interesting month (to say the least)! A few things to recap, so let's get right into it. The Usual We'll start with Thought Bubble, as...
October 2024: (Not So) Spooky Season
October 31, 2024
Howdy folks,It's Halloween, and while in previous years I have wholeheartedly embraced the Spooky Season (with a month-long programme of horror movies and a...
September 2024: End of an Era
September 30, 2024
Hey folks,I once again find myself up against it and writing this right before my self-imposed deadline of "the last day of the month", for reasons that are...
August 2024: Full Steam Ahead
August 31, 2024
Hey folks,I'll try and keep this month's newsletter relatively short, because I appreciate that I've already bombarded you with Kickstarter spam last week...
Brigantia Vol. 2 is Live on Kickstarter!
August 22, 2024
Hey folks, As the subject line indicates: we’re live! The campaign for Brigantia Vol. 2 has finally kicked off! Here’s the link:...
Brigantia Vol. 2 - Next Week!
August 16, 2024
Good morning folks, I hope you'll forgive this ad-hoc email - I'm deviating from my usual once-per-month schedule because I have something big to impart (and...
July 2024: Proof is in the Pudding
July 31, 2024
Howdy, folks! If June was a depressing month, July has largely continued that trend, and I write this a day or two after a full-on anxiety attack that is...
June 2024: Blink and You'll Miss It
June 30, 2024
Howdy, folks!As the title suggests - this June feels like it flew by, plunging on a downward trajectory into a very shitty abyss. I'll try not to be too...
May 2024: Furry Friends
May 31, 2024
Good afternoon folks,I don't really know where May went - I blinked twice and suddenly we're staring down the barrel of June and the midway point of this...
April 2024: Summer Is Icumen In
May 1, 2024
Howdy, folks!It looks like we're (finally) turning the corner into some warmer weather here in the UK, which is sure to have a real impact on my mood - I'm...
March 2024: The Cry of the Planet
March 31, 2024
Howdy, folks!It'll be a pretty short newsletter this month - I have a few things to write about, but I'm also going through some real creative doldrums at...
February 2024: Island Time
February 29, 2024
Howdy, folks!February has rolled inexorably to a close (with an extra day this year, which really threw me off when I was typing this newsletter up!) and...
January 2024: Plots and Plans
January 31, 2024
Howdy, folks!We've made it through the longest month and 2024 is well and truly underway - I'm particularly looking forward to a holiday in a couple of weeks...
December 2023: Time Goes By
December 31, 2023
Hey folks,It's that time of year again! As is tradition, this month's newsletter will be more of a "2023 round-up" one - a place of reflection on what I've...
November 2023: The Neverending Pile
December 1, 2023
Howdy, folks!It has once again been a hectic month and I'm rather feeling the strain of it - turns out that running a Kickstarter remains a stressful...
Secrets of the Majestic: 2 Weeks Left!
November 15, 2023
Good evening folks,I hope you'll forgive this break from my usual schedule of one newsletter per month - Kickstarter campaign time means I must regretfully...
October 2023: Toilet Season
October 31, 2023
Howdy, folks! First off: a happy All Hallow's Eve/Samhain to all who observe it! I'll be spending this evening in a spooky ghoul mask playing ceilidh tunes...
September 2023: Sleep is for the Weak
September 30, 2023
Good morning, folks!This month's newsletter comes to you from my table at the Lakes International Comic Festival (through the black magick of 'writing the...
July 2023: Sunshine & Showers
July 31, 2023
Good morning, folks!Another busy month has flown past and I find it hard to believe that we're already into the back half of 2023 - I haven't watched...
June 2023: What Day Is It?
July 1, 2023
Good morning, folks! This month's newsletter is a last-minute one again - I've been ridiculously busy this month (for reasons that will become apparent...
May 2023: In The Toilet
May 31, 2023
Good afternoon, folks!It's been what you could charitably call an "extremely busy" month over here - the day job has kicked up a notch or so, and I'm in the...
April 2023: Raining, Pouring
April 30, 2023
Good morning, folks!As is always the case - I've got not one but two things to shout about this month, so I'll dispense with the customary preamble and get...
March: Slowly, but Surely
March 31, 2023
Howdy, folks! I'm writing this month's newsletter on a train on the way down to London (for a tattoo session), in a rare example of "Chris decides to...
February 2023: Pitter Patter
February 28, 2023
Howdy, folks!Once again, February has careened past me in a Dodge Viper with the top down, flipping me off aggressively as it screams away into the rear-view...
January 2023: All Systems Go
February 1, 2023
Hey folks, I know we're only one month into 2023, but it feels like half the year has flown by already - I know, I know, time is a relative concept, but I...
December 2022: That Was The Year That Was
December 31, 2022
Hey folks,As per usual, this month's newsletter will be a little different as I attempt to encapsulate my 2022 in numbers and lists and general screaming...
November 2022: Stratospheric
November 30, 2022
Hey, folks!I suspect this month's newsletter is going to turn into a long one, given that it's been a busy month, so apologies for that in advance - strap...
October 2022: All Aboard
October 31, 2022
Howdy, folks! If you’re getting this newsletter for the first time, it’s because I finally went through the backer report for the Brigantia Vol. 1 campaign...
September 2022: Cherish Every Moment
September 30, 2022
Hey folks, I had a whole bunch of stuff I wanted to write about in this month's newsletter (what with taking last month off for an actual holiday), but then...
July 2022: Hottest on Record
July 31, 2022
Hey folks - July is over, and with it one of the fastest (and hottest) months I remember in a while. Some nice bits of progress this month, scattered in with...
June 2022: Bear Down For Midterms
June 30, 2022
Hey folks, it's the end of another month (somehow!) Plus, it's the midpoint of another goddamn year on this hellsphere - let's try and stay positive, shall...
May 2022: Moloch the Terrible
June 1, 2022
Hey folks,I've spent the last week or so positively vibrating with rage at the wider world, and it's a curious contrast to things actually going pretty well...
April 2022: Second Winter
April 30, 2022
Hey folks, Apart from a brief burst of sunny weather a couple of weeks ago, we seem to have been stuck in winter's grip all through April and I'm beginning...
March 2022: Cresting the Wave
March 31, 2022
Hey folks,It's going to be a short one this month - I once again lost track of the days, and there's been a lot of LIFE happening which has made it hard to...
February 2022: Sneak Attack!
February 28, 2022
Hey folks,Once again, the last day of February has snuck up on me - on the one hand, I appreciate a shorter month after the never-ending hellscape that is...
January 2022: Once More Round The Sun
January 31, 2022
Howdy, folks! It's the start of a Brand New Year, and once again, it feels like we've already had enough bullshit to last a full 12 months. The more things...
December 2021: What Is A Holiday, Anyway?
December 31, 2021
Hey folks! As you might expect, this newsletter will feature a little bit of introspection - last entry of the year and all that! The Usual I summed up my...
November 2021: We Are, All of Us, Here
November 30, 2021
Hey, folks. At the start of this month, one of my friends, a stalwart of the local music scene and a thoughtful, erudite and passionate person, committed...
October 2021: Spooky Streaky
October 31, 2021
Happy Halloween, folks! You may notice something slightly different about this month's newsletter - I've migrated over to Buttondown (for a couple of...
September 2021: Autumnal
September 30, 2021
Evening, folks! It's been an eventful month, but before I kick into my usual self-aggrandisement I want to talk about one of the best films I've ever seen,...
August 2021
August 31, 2021
Howdy, folks! Bit of a digression to start this month's newsletter off - bear with me… The Usual At the start of this month, I finally polished off the last...
July 2021: What is Time?
August 1, 2021
Howdy, folks! Somehow, 7 months have passed and we're staring at the back end of 2021 - I don't quite know how, but here we are, I guess! The Usual For once,...
June 2021: Refresh, Refresh, Refresh
June 30, 2021
Howdy, folks!Time has once again crept up on me, and I find myself writing this newsletter on the last day of the month. Still, there's something to be said...
Addendum: Brigantia Vol. 1
June 14, 2021
Morning, folks! I’ll keep this one brief since it’s an additional email that falls outside my usual once-per-month missives: I’ve finally settled on a launch...
May 2021: Sun's Out, Guns Out
May 31, 2021
Howdy, folks! It's finally starting to feel like summer, and I have plenty of reasons for optimism so this month's update will be a little chirpier than...
April 2021: A Towering Pile
April 30, 2021
Howdy, folks! The Usual My pile of "life admin" feels like it's reached an almost overwhelming level these past few weeks - I won't bore you with the detail,...
March 2021: One Year On
March 31, 2021
Feels like we've been here before, huh? Jokes aside, it might just be that we've started to get some actual sunshine over here on Hell Island but it's...
February 2021: Vitality of Thought
February 28, 2021
Hey folks, Once again, the end of February crept up on me out of nowhere - I thought I had a couple of extra days to write this post! Let's get into it. The...
January 2021: Vitamin Tree
January 31, 2021
Hey folks, I know I fell prey to thinking that at midnight on December 31st, 2020 would turn into a pumpkin and we'd all get our lives back... as unrealistic...
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