Running through Spiderwebs and Diverging Diamonds
Cheers RVA!
It will go from 46 to 64 today. Saturday looks cloudy but back to the low 80’s by Sunday.
The juice:
The Richmond Police Department asks pro-Palestine protestors to scale back marches as violence increases amid staff shortages, according to the RTD.
The pulp:
Lucille Brown Middle School goes on brief lockdown after man shot at nearby grocer per 6 News
UR Professor says “Tik-tok ban will definitely be litigated” per 12 on your side
The cycle:
Via Jonathon Spiers over at Bizsense, Henrico secures some (91M of the 300M planned) funding for Short Pump traffic improvements including a diverging diamond interchange at Gayton and 64. As someone who enjoys watching youtube videos of various traffic models and corresponding flow rates, I found this interesting. I first saw a diverging diamond interchange in Europe ten years ago and immediately thought it was “stupid.” But the crossing allows for vehicles to turn left on and off freeway ramps more efficiently (without stopping if signaled or stop controlled) or crossing opposing lanes of traffic. It’s generally considered safer and more efficient.
The haps:
Reddit users of RVA comment on their favorite local guilty pleasures. It’s mostly greasy food but this comment made me smile: “An early run on the Buttermilk Northbank Loop before anyone else has broken the spiderwebs with their face.”
The dive:
A CheersRva reader suggested this article on Wealth Inequality in America as a longread.
The classic ‘X cool things that show this’ algo opto’ing headline article, but you can change the parameters on some charts, and each offers a policy solution for the specific inequity. The 8th chart illustrates how Federal Tax Policies fail to help poor people build wealth. The massive difference in subsidies received by overall dollar amount:
The vibe:
It’s the weekend! I’ll be playing frisbee and pretending like I’m not too old to play drinking games at a party. Cheers RVA!