How Many Neighborhoods are in Richmond?
Cheers RVA!
Mostly cloudy today with stray showers, a high of 82. The crescent is waning.
the juice:
The RPS School Board met last night. I was able to watch the first two hours, will ‘dive in’ for Wednesday’s newsletter. But the RPS pre-school program video was shown and it got an audible laugh from school board members and attendees alike, in an otherwise dull but at times heated meeting. I was disappointed to find the promotional video had only 138 views.

the pulp:
Photos of last week’s protests per the Independent Press of VCU, the Commonwealth Times
13 arrested yesterday as protestors march to deliver message to Senator Kaine per channel 6
Gun found in 3 year-old’s backpack at Maymont Preschool per 12 on your side
The Virginia Mercury pats itself on the back. For my dollar (free news), it’s the best source of political news in Richmond. Their funding via States Newsroom 2022 (doing business as the Arizona Mirror in Chapel Hill, NC …lawyerspeak…smh)
the cycle:
Two drivers cited but not criminally charged in the automobile crash that killed a VCU student walking on the sidewalk in 2023 per 12 on your side. This stretch of Main street by the Jefferson is pretty steep downhill and seemingly (street parking variability) 4 lanes one-way.

While biking down that hill I once saw a homeless man nearly get nailed by a car turning left (west) onto Main. The car pulled out from S Madison so aggressively as to beat the platoon of traffic flying downhill at 40 mph that the driver didn’t see the vagrant with giant bags in tow attempting to legally cross the street. Thankfully speedhumps have been erected there since the incident, but more can be done regarding urban design in a pedestrian-friendly city.
the dive:
How many neighborhoods are actually in Richmond, and how many are affordable? As we see more and more “luxury apartments” developing in and around the city, the RVA subreddit community asks, how many neighborhoods are affordable?
Richmond, VA: Rounding out the bottom 10 is Richmond, where 55.9% of the city’s 161 neighborhoods are unaffordable for married-couple households. That’s an 11.9% increase from pre-Covid levels.
The reddit thread has some decent discussion on data collection, how couples file taxes, and how neighborhoods are mapped; which got me thinking, how many neighborhoods do we have in Richmond?

the vibe:
148 neighborhoods per local gov data. Have a great day RVA!
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