On Microsolidarity
April 4, 2024
Microsolidarity is community building. At first glance it sounds like a two person friendship (Dyads) and a group of friends hanging out (Crews), and a large...
Second thought, first action
March 2, 2024
I heard this helpful technique or “thought technology” recently. It’s pretty meaningful to me personally so I thought I’d share it to see if it resonates...
Reto Photos - Late Fall 2023
December 9, 2023
I just published the following post (read it online here): I picked up this cheap film camera called the Reto Ultra Wide and Slim to try it out. It’s made...
The Voice of the Mind
October 31, 2023
This quote from the book The Untethered Soul: A Journey Beyond Yourself really struck me. There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that...
Having fun with uncertainty
October 31, 2023
We spend a lot of our time and energy worrying about the future. Who can blame us, everything seems like it's terrible and about to fall apart. Every...
I messed up
September 15, 2023
Hey, You probably got an email from me yesterday about Futures Thinking. Here's what happened. I decided to make a new website/blog/newsletter to use for...
Judgement, Awareness, and Highways.
September 10, 2023
-- Today I learned (or realized I already knew) that the monkey mind’s consistent chatter is neither wrong or right. It just is. Your awareness, your 'you'...
You are a wave
June 25, 2023
You are a wave Before you were you, you existed in some unknowable body of water. Some forces came together and caused a joining and you become you. And you...