Kin and Connection
Introducing a new project team member!
March 18, 2024
Guest post by Rebecca Paxton! Hello everyone and thank you to Cate for inviting me to introduce myself as the newest member of the KINnect team. I will be...
Vittrup Man, his life and times
February 19, 2024
There's been a flurry of excellent and interesting aDNA papers published recently, and I'm still catching up after being in the field... I want to highlight...
greetings from the field
February 8, 2024
Sorry this week's newsletter is a couple of days late! I'm in the field at the moment helping run a field school in southern Victoria. Cape Schanck...
Kinship as action
January 22, 2024
This is part two of two posts of me thinking through some stuff. None of it is entirely new, per se, but consider this me fleshing out some of my own...
Thinking about gene-ealogies
January 8, 2024
Happy new year! I hope you all had a really fulfilling and restful holiday season! This is part one of two posts of me thinking through some stuff. None of...
A few little updates
December 18, 2023
I wanted to share a few actual research updates in this newsletter because I actually have some! This early in a project, those are few and far between! I...
Making food/making kin
December 4, 2023
I’ve been quiet the last few weeks because I’ve been (mostly) on leave, visiting family overseas. The break was refreshing and relaxing, but also it feels...
Nuclear families
October 24, 2023
There are a lot of ways to organise a family. Anthropological research has offered us myriad structures through which people understand their relations to...
On sex, gender, and conferences
October 9, 2023
I'm attending the American Anthropological Association annual meeting for the first time later this year (In Toronto! Yay! In November! Boo!), so I've been...
On kin-making technologies
September 25, 2023
Right now kinship and relationality are having a moment in the social sciences. Our friends the anthropologists are developing non-anthropocentric research...
On data
September 11, 2023
We had a really lively discussion in our session at the EAA – thanks to all presenters and members of the crowd! – and one comment got me thinking about data...
New book (2)! Publication boogaloo
September 4, 2023
Another very short update about a new publication. This is book number 2 for 2023 which is a bit surreal! Migration Narratives in Archaeology is a public-...
EAA preview
August 28, 2023
A quick update this week about the European Archaeology Association annual meeting in Belfast which runs 30 Aug - 2 Sept. I mentioned a few weeks back that I...
Neat aDNA stories
August 14, 2023
The number of new palaeogenomics papers (whether human aDNA, environmental DNA, animal work, deep genetic tracing of hominin origins etc etc etc) can be...
New book! Archaeology as History
July 31, 2023
This is the last weekly post for a while - moving to fortnightly installments until I have more information, results, and progress to report. It's also not...
Newsletter archives and set up hiccups
July 25, 2023
So it looks like there's some sort of hiccup in the scheduled newsletters, meaning some (all?) of you haven't received at least this week's newsletter and...
Some upcoming conferences
July 24, 2023
There's not much exciting in the early stages of a project: a lot of emails (some of which go un-replied-to); a few phone calls; a lot of scoping...
Kin and Connection - an introductory post
July 17, 2023
In this post I want briefly to introduce myself and the Kin and Connection project - thanks so much, by the way, for taking an interest! So... who am I? I am...
Dr. Frieman's university page