Art update!
Hello, and welcome to my August update. Been a busy month here, so I have a few projects to share.
First up, delighted to have illustrated a cover and endpapers for Premee Mohamed’s stunning new gothic western fairytale, The Rider, The Ride, The Rich Man’s Wife. Out now at PS publishing.

I also have two new spec fic magazine covers to share, ‘All the Stars’ for Fusion Fragment #22, and ‘Fairy Rodeo’ for Impossible worlds.

With Glasgow Worldcon starting today, if you are attending you can see (and buy! ;-) ) my ‘Starlight Crow’ on the ASFA table at the art show. This is a framed experimental combination of halftone print, gel printing, gold wax crayon and ink.

And finally, I’m excited to say that I have a new picture book out this month! Kingdoms of Life is a non-fiction introduction to the vast and wonderful diversity of life on our beautiful planet. More info at Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
More images at my portfolio

That’s all for art news this month!
On a final note, I’ve been having some technical troubles with my personal shop; and the tech department have been summoned! If you’ve tried to make an order (or want to now :-D )and it’s not worked, please email me and I’ll sort things out for you.
Thanks everyone, and have a wonderful summer!