Easter Greetings!
Thank you so much for subscribing to this new platform. I hope you find plenty to interest you here. There has been a long silence from me as I try to navigate my way round the perils of AI and its potential for abuse, and the difficulties of a new platform.
First can I promise you that I will not be using this to spam your inbox with marketing and promotional stuff, and that you can unsubscribe any time you feel you no longer wish to hear from me.
I am changing my online presence a little, in order to focus and create time for more considered writing. I’m working on a new collection instigated by our recent house move, which will meditate on themes such as transformation, communication and boundaries, and which is already full (rather to my surprise) of foxes and faeries, herbs, bees, music, astrology and alchemy. I would like to write more extended prose work too, following the publication of an essay Sly Bold Reynardine in the online journal Paperboats. So the plan is to confine new work - extracts from poems in progress, essays, herblore, reviews etc. to this newsletter, together with advance news and updates. Walking the Territory posts such as I used to post on the blog will be more ephemeral and posted mostly on Instagram.
I hope this will be of interest to people who have been kind enough to follow me over the years! The next letter will be in May, and will be more developed, as I am putting together a lot of seasonal material for it. Meantime, whichever of the major festivals you may be marking at this time of year, I hope the spring is good to you.
Best wishes,
Elizabeth Rimmer