Hey there - hope you're well.
You may have guessed from the subject line but this month I discovered how to add an eraser to Brush Ninja.
I say discovered, it's a feature that was recently added to the graphics library I use. It's all very new so it's likely to change, but I have an early version working.
If you're a Patron then you already have access to it. I have a bunch of things I want to tweak and improve before I publish it, but it's looking good and I hope to have it released later this month. If you join my Patreon then you can get access now.
But that's not all...
With the next release there will also be new animation sizes. This also needs further testing, and likely further work, but it'll be published at the same time as the eraser update.
It's all very exciting. I ended up ignoring everything I said in the last newsletter, instead managing to add two of the most requested features; and I couldn't be more pleased.
Plus - I still want to add the additional export types and updated background editor. I don't know if they will be done this month but, assuming nothing else crops up, they will be the next features I work on.
Thanks for supporting Brush Ninja. I love getting feedback so feel free to reply to this email with comments or questions. And if you want to help keep Brush Ninja free forever then please do join my Patreon - every penny helps!
Have a great month - Ben