Hi, welcome back to a new educational year.
Now that the summer holidays are over, it's time for me to start focusing on Brush Ninja once again.
Over the past few weeks, I've mostly been spending time with my wife and son, so progress on Brush Ninja has been slow. However, I still have many things I want to work on.
There have been a few small changes on Brush Ninja over the last few weeks. I fixed Typing Ninja Game so that you can now select different word lengths. I apologize for not catching this issue sooner.
The Brush Ninja Animation Maker has undergone a visual overhaul. I've aimed to make the design consistent across all the apps, and I believe it works quite well. Please keep in mind that this may evolve further in the future, and I'll continue to enhance it. If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to let me know.
I've also been working on Code Ninja, introducing variables and a new "arc" command that simplifies drawing curves. Additionally, I've created a Code Ninja gallery on the website to showcase my creations. If anyone shares their Code Ninja art on social media, I'll make an effort to find and feature it in the gallery as well.
Speaking of the gallery, recent changes to Twitter (now X) have made it considerably more challenging to discover new artworks that people are sharing. I've noticed a decrease in shared content during the holiday season, but now I'm finding it even harder to locate. Rest assured, I'll be addressing this issue to continue sharing the fantastic work created by our community.
In the meantime, here are some of the recent artworks I've created using Code Ninja. All of these have been created entirely with code using the new features introduced in the last month.
I'd love to learn more about what you'd like to see in the newsletter.
I've primarily treated it as a diary, sharing what's been happening from my perspective and showcasing the work of others. However, is there anything else you'd like to read or learn about?
Please feel free to share your feedback by replying to this email.
Thank you for whatever input you provide. I hope you have a fantastic month, and I'll be back in your inbox in four weeks!
All the best, Ben