Hi there - I hope you had a good Christmas break.
I spent the first few days of 2023 away with the family, but my son went back to school this week so it's back to work for me.
I didn't do much development on Brush Ninja over the holidays (apart from one thing) but I did think a lot about what I want to work on in 2023.
I currently have ideas for 2 projects, and I'd like to get a first draft of both of them online this year. Unlike the emoji art, comic, and photo montage apps these new apps will be much closer to the "Animated Gif" app in terms of complexity and features.
Both of these projects will be focused on creativity with one being about programming and 3d art, and the other being about logic and storytelling.
These apps are things I have been thinking about for years now and I'm really excited to start working on them. I don't want to say too much but I will share more in the coming months.
I mentioned above that I did some work on one thing over the holidays, and it was a fun little game. Games have been a large part of my life, including 11 years working at a video games company, and so it was almost inevitable that they would end up on Brush Ninja eventually.
This one is about improving typing speed. It's super simple, and totally free. I ended up spending way too long making it work properly on mobile devices, but I'm pleased that it now works on every machine (I hope?). I might add more games in the future but they will always be simple and safe for everyone to play.
All this talk of new things and so I wanted to reassure you that I will continue to work on the Animated Gif creator. As the app has gotten more mature the frequency of new features have naturally reduced but I will continue to add new features and fix bugs. I see these things as ever evolving.
I normally try to update the website when I send out the newsletter but I haven't had a chance yet. I need to remove the free Christmas images and replace them with something else, maybe coloured stars to be used as fireworks? I also need to update the copyright year since that's changed! 😄
Here's to a great 2023. Hopefully the next update will be a bit more timely (and colourful). In the meantime please continue to post your artworks on Twitter and Instagram and tag them with #brushninja so I can find them easily.
All the best - Ben