Hi there - you may have noticed I took a couple of months break from the newsletter over the summer holidays.
I took this time off while my son was off school so that we could spend some quality time doing fun things. But he's back at school now so I can't use him as an excuse not to write the newsletter 😄 Of course I actually quite like writing the newsletter. It gives me a chance to look back at the things I have been working on and get feedback from the Brush Ninja users (you can reply to this email to contact me if you wish).
Whilst I haven't been sending the newsletter I have still been woring on things with Brush Ninja. There's been a few minor bug fixes, but mostly I've been working on the new memberships system that I hope to be launching in the next few weeks.
As I mentioned previously, Brush Ninja memberships are entirely optional. All user accounts will be paid, but if you want to use Brush Ninja for free then it will be exactly the same as it is at the moment.
As a member there are three main things you will get.
Over time this list will grow, but this is what we're going to start with. I'd love to find out what you think, and what you would like to see from the memberships. Just reply to this email with your thoughts.
Here's a few of the recent gallery entries. You can see the rest of them on the website.
I really want to launch memberships soon. Having paid accounts will help me to keep Brush Ninja running indefinitely, and haing it live will also free me up to work on some of the other new features I have thought of recently.
Unfortunately there's a rule with programming projects that 'the last 10% of the project takes 90% of the time', and that's where I am. Lots of lilttle tasks that finish things off, but they take time - hopefully not too much of it.
If you're interested in a Brush Ninja membership, and I manage to get it finished this month, then there's a coupon code at the bottom of this newsletter!
Till next month!