Some news, more essays!
Hi there!
Thank you for being here and supporting my newsletter. I’m writing this in-between issue to announce a few things, and hopefully I’ll still have your support.
I’m going to be tweaking the format of the newsletter a bit. What started out as a newsletter for recipes and cooking during quarantine will now become a newsletter on food writing, mainly essays. I also outlined the expansion of this newsletter in my very first issue, when I had a tiny number of supporters, some of whom still fiercely support me. Thank you for your vote of confidence. Nearly three months later, my subscribers have quadrupled, and it’s great to see people who greatly care about and encourage the content I put out regularly.
I recently put out two polls, one on Twitter and the other on Instagram, to gauge if people would be interested in paying for the newsletter. While I did get good support for it, overall the response was lukewarm. I understand that the crisis surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to get jobs and make money as usual. I also did say that this is a personal project and will be free, and I largely stick by it. But I also believe that content shouldn’t be free, which some of you kindly pointed out to me at the start. So instead of making two versions of this newsletter, I’m setting up a Patreon account where you can donate as much as you want or consider a monthly subscription. All the proceeds will be poured back into the making the project better; for eg: I can get different contributors to write an essay and pay them for it. I would ideally love to convert my newsletter into a paid subscription model but for now, this seems to work the best.
My email is still open for feedback/opinions or whatever else you’d like to discuss.
If you wish to donate anything, please do so on Patreon. And please forward this newsletter to your friends, family, and just about anyone who might appreciate it. Thank you!