Open Letter: Address Vatican Shadow’s links to Fascism
Content notes: Murder, sexual violence, racism, antisemitism

This open letter has been published first in Nov 2021
Issue brief
Information recently surfaced showing that Dominick Fernow aka Vatican Shadow, Prurient, Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement and his label Hospital Productions are affiliated with white supremacists. After this information came to light, little acknowledgment was made by the publications that covered his work over the years or by the agencies and labels that have released his music. We contacted Pitchfork, Resident Advisor, and his booking agency Ostgut directly with our asks (below). Ostgut has quietly removed Vatican Shadow from their booking agency listings, but no other actions have been taken by any of the organizations.
What's the deal?
Fernow was pictured in a Pitchfork iFernow was pictured in a Pitchfork interview by Brandon Stosuy with Mikko Aspa, his frequent collaborator. Aspa makes National Socialist music and spreads neo-fascist music and literature through his record store in Finland. In the same interview, Fernow mentions other Nazis like the band Absurd, whose singer Hendrik Möbus sieg heiled at a concert, posed with Nazi flags at Auschwitz, and "publicly mocked" the 15-year-old that he and his bandmates strangled to death in 1993. Fernow's label Hospital has released music by Montreal National Socialist Black Metal band Akitsa. With Fernow's black metal projects, his lyrics have also been sexually violent. This is just a short list of his ties and actions. Dominick Fernow has been very open and proud about his ties to white supremacists. The journalists, platforms, and agencies that have supported him and those who have collaborated with him must have been aware of these ties.
In 2018, Resident Advisor published a long, positive profile about Fernow written by Andrew Ryce. Resident Advisor also published many reviews and news pieces, for his work and for his label. Many of Fernow's events have been listed on Resident Advisor's ticketing platform, thus financing his activities. His booking agency Ostgut, is of course also responsible for backing him financially and reputationally.
These entities support Fernow as an artist, but have remained silent on his actions. These entities support Fernow as an artist, but have remained silent on his actions. This is very serious. Propagating and normalizing National Socialist ideology is dangerous for non-white people, Jewish people, Roma/Sinti people, queer people, leftists, and others. Because Resident Advisor, Ostgut Booking and Pitchfork's support was public-facing, public-facing actions should be taken.
What can we do?
We can join together as promoters, artists, labels, clubs, music journalists and, of course, fans and listeners to demand that Pitchfork, Ostgut Booking and Resident Advisor take public-facing actions against fascism in electronic music.
Call to action
Sign our open letter here
Encourage any organizations or individuals in your network to sign
Post about the open letter on your own channels: hashtag to use #AntifaMusicAlliance (Twitter: @antifascistMA)
Resident Advisor, Pitchfork, and Ostgut (Berghain):
1. Place an addendum and link to articles that have critically addressed Fernow's fascist ties on Resident Advisor and Pitchfork posts that feature Fernow (this is better than deleting them)
2. Pitchfork, Ostgut, and Resident Advisor donate to organizations fighting antisemitism and extremism, publishing the amount donated and to which organization
3. Pitchfork, Ostgut, and Resident Advisor each release a public statement about their plans to prevent this from happening again with other artists in the future
4. Publish a call from Pitchfork and Resident Advisor as influential platforms, asking other publications to place disclaimers on their existing coverage of Dominick Fernow
This applies to other booking agencies, platforms, and venues that have supported Fernow in the past and those who have collaborated with him.

Mikko Aspa “Clandestine Blaze/Northern Heritage”, on the left, Dominick Fernow on the right. Watch out for these fuckers!
Thanks for signing!
We hope our collective voice will pressure these entities into taking action, in light of Fernow's unacceptable behavior and associations. Fernow and Hospital Recordings are not isolated cases and there are more artists, labels, agencies and promoters that have clear ties to fascists and this must be addressed. This is part of a broader movement by the Antifascist Music Alliance to fight fascism, white supremacy and far-right sympathies within the music industry.

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About Vatican Shadow's Links With the Far-right
2 years ago · 5 likes · 1 comment · Techno Antonio Negri
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