Giantess Allsorts
You’ll recall that last week I threatened to dump a whole bunch of giantess and giantess-adjacent material in the newsletter, but then I hyperfocused on researching titanic Marilyn Monroe statues in China. Isn’t that always the way?
Well, I didn’t get rid of all the random findings. I did a very basic and unimaginative search for giantess material over several alternate search engines. I figured that if I found something that was new to me, it could possibly be new to someone else. Here, then, is the collection of a bunch of random stuff I found, and I hope some of it is of interest to you.
Giantess Calculators
A user named Dante started his own message board, but the board’s in Chinese and I didn’t create a fake account to explore it. I assume it’s like any other place, full of images and stories and possibly links. It also features a “Traditional Chinese version Female Giant Calculator” (Google Translation), in which you enter the dimensions of a regular woman and the factor by which you’d like to increase her size.
It should remind you of Giantess Converter, and in searching for that I discovered Labba Comics’s Giantess Calculator, which is all in metric and defaults to a woman with H-cup breasts. (And they say GTS isn’t male-biased.) I also got reacquainted with SolomonG’s Sizechange Calculator. By his description, “This new version can compute various measurements for female, intersex, and male characters.”
Still Explaining Macrophilia
This time, Jaclyn, Shadow Work Coach explains macrophilia on TikTok. She’s a Jungian sex therapist who, at the behest of a viewer, explains what macrophilia is and what it means to your psyche. I don’t think I’ve heard this approach laid out quite so clearly, though certainly people have hinted at it in their stories and illustrations. I’d like to get in a conversation with her about what it all means, what it satisfies in the body, and what it relates to, if she has a very deep understanding of Jungian philosophy. It would be a refreshing angle from which to approach it, anyway. Maybe I’ll program an AI Jungian therapist…
Phone Sex with Giantesses
Did you know this was still a thing? Calling in and paying lots of money to have someone role-play with you on the phone? It used to be huge in the late ’80s and ’90s—not Size Fantasy specifically, but you could pay $2/minute to talk to random people about random crap. We had no idea what we were doing with this expensive technology.
Nowadays we have greater focus, and if the culture has largely shifted away from this practice, that just means it’s now in the domain of disciplined and dedicated practitioners and fans now. There are dozens of mistresses who are ready to portray a giantess for you on Giantess Island, if you’ve got the phone and the money. I even know a couple of them, they’re good people. No, they don’t know I’m talking to you about this.
Live the Giantess Dream
User BMTBGUY is doing some world-building of his own, developing a realm called Deamore where … yes, where women are giantesses or grow into giantesses. Explore his comics on his website Live the Dream and on DeviantArt.

Guide to Giantessing
Say you’re in a relationship, and you’ve got a partner who’s open to exploring the Size Fantasy experience with you. How do you go about setting this up?
Of all places, Lifehacker has a page that describes just this. Written by Samantha N., who looks like she specializes in sexual health and relationships, this article sources material from Reddit and Clips4Sale to comprise reasonable advice on breaching the topic and setting the foundation for a satisfying experience.
Giantess Cave, Iceland
If you’re traveling to Iceland for any reason and find yourself with time on your hands, you could take an hour out and head straight from the Keflavik airport to the nearby Giantess Cave. “Starting in 1959, children’s author Herdís Egilsdóttir wrote 16 stories about a little girl named Sigga and her ogress friend, the Giantess in the Mountain … The Norðanbal Art Group designed the gentle Giantess and her cave, and indeed they have portrayed her relaxing in a rocking chair in her cave’s kitchen.”
Do this if you’re looking to check sites off on a list. I don’t know if this location has anything for me.

What Is SizeStories’s Fantasy?
User SizeStories created a video a year ago in which he plays video games and explains why he’s into the giantess fantasy. If you want to listen to another community member’s perspective and thoughts on the subject, here they are for about ten minutes. The rest of the time, SizeStories is learning MMD animation. CW: “wholesome content only.” I imagine my take on it wouldn’t be very popular with him.
Giantess for Flute and Piano
Back in May, when I sent out the newsletter titled “Support Indie Creators; Fight Piracy,” I included a musical interlude by Dr. Elizabeth Robinson performing Carter Pann’s technically challenging “Giantess for Flute and Piano.” Surely you’ll recall; search the archive if you’re curious.
It turns out this is not an unheard-of piece, and I’ve just found another “flutist” (apparently no one knows the word flautist anymore), Jennie Oh Brown, who has released an album called Giantess, “in memory of grandmothers.” The ninth track on this album is “Giantess,” which is Pann’s piece. For some reason, this is one of two tracks iTunes won’t permit you to buy individually from the album.
If you’re not familiar with Giantess Wiki, you should be. You should have a folder full of giantess forums and archives, all the ones you can find, even if you’re not that interested in visiting them. Because you never know when someone’s site goes down, and the forum or archive is the only place that has any residual trace of them. This site is still being updated to this day.
I’d never heard of Giantess Girl Comics before, but now I have, so I’ve gotta share it. My impression is that it’s American Size Fantasy doujinshi, referencing Harley Quinn, Natsuko, Tomb Raider, the Legend of Zelda, and many other established material. There’s a little preview material to give you a sense of what they’re about; you gain access to the comics by donating various dollar amounts on Patreon.
There. Isn’t that a ton of links? Didn’t I say last time that I’d be sharing way too many links? There you go. I’ll keep looking for interesting Size Fantasy resources and such, but really, Google Alerts isn’t picking up anything lately, just the same old hits back to Pixiv, DeviantArt, Daily Star, and the odd pirated porn video site. This is what I mean when I suggest social media broke the internet: cyberspace used to be a much more interesting place to explore, before power was consolidated to a few primary locations.
All that’s left is to note that I had COVID and have gotten over it (if you’re not reading this, then I didn’t). I’m personally affronted to have contracted it at all, but my wife insists I was due.
In Her Shadow,
©2024 Aborigen/Size Riot