Issue 65: Easy and Hard Predictions
Hello! It's just about time to complete another orbit around the sun to close out the year. Looking ahead, here are my predictions for 2024. First, some easy ones.
Twitter/X will declare bankruptcy by April. It will cease to function before then and even diehards will start posting elsewhere.
Threads will become the most popular replacement for Twitter.
Online search results will get worse because of AI spam and Google will try to steer everyone to premium (paid) search or YouTube. So if you want to fix a leaky faucet, you’ll have to watch a 30-minute video from a plumbing influencer.
If you are an Ivy League college president, the best way not to get fired is to not show up for any Senate hearings.
Electric cars will have improved range not because of better batteries, but because of more available charging stations. This will take too long, but we’ll be grateful when they are here.