Issue 63: Some Things are Fake but This is Really Real
It’s been a while since I’ve written you all. I’ve been head down in an edit pass for Resist, a novel that is the sequel to Surrender, the book that I published earlier this year. Resist continues the adventures of the heroic Kat Keeper as she battles against MIND, the evil corporation that is stealing everyone’s thoughts. My book designer is working on some cover concepts and I look forward to sharing some of his ideas with you soon.
Be a Reader
If you’d like to influence the course of the book and help me out (a lot!), you can be an early reader of Resist. I’ll send you your own manuscript, printed or via PDF. As you give it a read, you can share your thoughts on the characters, the plot, the pacing, and the themes. My favorite question to ask readers is, “If you stopped reading the book, where did you stop?” (Because I have to fix that part.)