Issue 37 Episode 08 - Hillary and a rare photo
500 Words is a publication of FutureX.Studio.
In this week's episode of Your Performance Review, Michel's once-secret inquiry into his past is no longer a secret. An investigator arrives to question Michel about all the performance reviews he has conducted so far. She sees a pattern forming in Michel's interviews, and she believes that Michel is up to no good.
There has been concern, in admin, about bots achieving consciousness. Pyotr, a bot that Michel had interviewed in Episode 03, is one such bot. After Michel spoke with Pyotr, and they exchanged their thoughts about the perils and benefits of consciousness, Pyotr was reformatted, his memex erased, and reassigned. Michel is afraid that the same thing may happen to him. It appears that Hillary, the investigator who has discovered Michel’s once-secret scheme, will be the one to recommend just that.