31 Days of Halloween: October 10
Good evening ghouls and ghosts,
I already know what I’m going to dress as for Halloween but I’m still fascinated by trend reports like this one from Pinterest, which reports on what people are searching for this season.
It doesn’t surprise me that romantic gothic makeup looks are on the upswing, but why, whyyy are clown makeup looks up nearly 2000%? There are lots of pop culture-inspired costume ideas too, but I’m surprised to see the gigantic demand for “Shark Boy and Lava Girl costumes couple”—up 4245%! It’s a great movie but it came out in 2005…was there a Tiktok trend I missed, or something? If you know, please hit reply and tell me what’s up.
Anyway, through this report I’ve also learned about “ghost pizza”, so if you’ll excuse me, I’ll just be over here ordering a ghoul-shaped cookie cutter…
Til tomorrow,
Laura E. Hall