
Twitter (uh, X?) integration support

How to easily embed tweets into your email with Buttondown

Saw an interesting tweet you want to share with your subscribers? With Buttondown, you can embed tweets into your emails. All you need is the link!

Buttondown's integration tool allows you to add content like a cool tweet to your newsletters. The best part is that the embedding tool only requires a link. You don't have to learn code or do any research with Buttondown's integration tool.

To embed a tweet:

  1. Create your email as normal.
  2. Paste the link into the body of the email.
  3. Share with your subscribers.

Want to see how the embedded tweet will look in the email? In the top right corner, we have added an "email preview" and a "web preview" button to show how the tweet will look. Toggle back and forth to ensure the embedded tweet shows as desired.

Markdown input
Rendered email
Rendered web archive
Happy Caturday to all my kitty lovers out there! Time for a burst of cuteness to make your day: Cho choo! All aboard the kitty express! Now that we got a burst of serotonin, here's an update on what has been happening this week..
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